5 Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep

Have you ever noticed that how you get ready for bed can have a big impact on how easily you fall asleep?

Here are some tried and true things to do before bed to help you sleep better:

1. Wind down before bed.

We know you probably love to catch up on your favorite shows in the evening, but it’s best to do your TV or movie watching a little earlier in the night.

Give yourself time to wind down – at least 30 minutes – before it’s time to close your eyes.  Turn off the TV and grab a book or magazine and get cozy.

2. Quiet your mind.

Mind chatter can get in the way of good sleep. If you have something on your mind, it can be hard to shake. Journaling is a great way to empty your mind of those thoughts.

Spend a little time reflecting on your day or simply do a brain dump of thoughts, things you need to do, or bright ideas. This will help you to get to a more peaceful place so you can rest with ease.

3. Indulge in some aromatherapy.

Essential oils are a really nice way to end the day.  Scents like lavendar, chamomile, and sandalwood are known for their calming properties.  You can simply take a few drops and rub them into your skin or incorporate into your hand lotion and give your hands or feet a brief massage.

Or treat yourself to a cozy pair of spa slippers complete with scented grain packs for relaxation.

4. Listen to soothing music.

There’s nothing like music to change your state. Find some relaxing music and make a practice of listening to it before you drift off. We love this set of soothing music with nature sounds.  I-tunes and Youtube have many varities of music to calm you, so find what you like!

5. Try a relaxation practice.

Take a few minutes to ease into relaxation.  Kind of like counting sheep, but a little less active. Try a muscle relaxation exercise or visualization. These breathing techniques may also help you to relax.

How about you?  What rituals have you incorporated into your nightly routine for better sleep?  Share with us in the comments below…

Photo Credit: Wicker Paradise via Compfightcc


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