Category Archives: Sleep

Laugh Your Stress Away: Embracing the Healing Power of a Good Chuckle

April is Stress Awareness Month, and what better way to combat stress than with a good old-fashioned belly laugh? Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of comedy and exploring how laughter can be a game-changer for our mental and emotional well-being.

Picture this: you’re lounging in your comfiest pajamas, scrolling through your favorite funny memes, and suddenly, you burst into laughter. In that moment, something magical happens. Your worries melt away, your mood lifts, and you’re filled with an undeniable sense of joy and lightness. That’s the power of laughter in action.

So, how exactly does laughter work its stress-busting magic? Well, it’s all about those feel-good chemicals called endorphins. When we laugh, our bodies release these natural mood-boosters, sending waves of relaxation and happiness throughout our entire being. It’s like a mini spa day for your mind and body, all wrapped up in a hearty chuckle.

But the benefits of laughter go beyond just feeling good in the moment. Studies have shown that laughter can have long-lasting effects on our health and well-being. It boosts our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and even helps to reduce pain. Plus, it’s a great way to connect with others and strengthen relationships—after all, who doesn’t love sharing a good laugh with friends?

So, how can you incorporate more laughter into your daily routine? Well, the possibilities are endless! You could start by tuning in to your favorite comedy podcast while getting ready in the morning, or hosting a virtual movie night with friends and streaming a hilarious comedy classic. And of course, there’s always the tried-and-true method of indulging in a good old-fashioned comedy show while rocking your coziest pajamas.

Speaking of pajamas, did you know that laughter is even more therapeutic when you’re wearing your favorite pair? There’s just something about being wrapped in soft, snuggly fabric that makes every joke a little bit funnier. So go ahead, slip into your most comfortable sleepwear, and let the laughter flow.

As we navigate the ups and downs of life, let’s remember the importance of finding moments of joy and levity, especially during Stress Awareness Month. Whether it’s sharing a funny story with a friend, watching a comedy special, or simply allowing ourselves to laugh freely and unabashedly, let’s embrace the healing power of laughter and let it guide us through even the toughest times.

So here’s to more laughter, more joy, and more pajama-clad moments of pure bliss. Let’s laugh our stress away and make every day a little brighter. After all, life is better when you’re laughing!

Unleash Your Inner Goofball: Fun Ways to Celebrate National Goof Off Day

National Goof Off Day on March 22nd is the perfect excuse to let loose, have fun, and embrace your inner goofball. And what better way to celebrate than in your cozy pajamas? Whether you’re flying solo or gathering your squad, here are some out-of-the-box ideas to make the most of this playful occasion.

Park Picnic Party: Pack a basket full of your favorite snacks, grab a blanket, and head to the nearest park for a picnic party in your pajamas! Set up camp under a shady tree, spread out your feast, and enjoy a leisurely afternoon of food, laughter, and games. Bring along a frisbee, soccer ball, or even a kite for some outdoor fun, and don’t forget to snap some silly photos to commemorate the occasion.

Lights, Pajamas, Action: Step out in style without changing out of your pajamas! Try a pajama-themed movie night at the theater. Slip into your comfiest PJs, gather your friends and family, and head to the cinema for an unforgettable experience. Enjoy the latest blockbusters or award winning hits in the coziest attire possible. Don’t miss out on the fun – grab your tickets and embrace the comfort of movie night in your PJs!

Pajama Pub Crawl: Get ready to paint the town red in your comfiest pajamas with a pajama pub crawl! Gather your friends and hit up your favorite local bars and breweries for a night of drinks, dancing, and debauchery—all while sporting your silliest sleepwear. From cozy neighborhood pubs to trendy cocktail lounges, explore different venues and embrace the quirky spirit of National Goof Off Day with each new stop. Just remember to drink responsibly and designate a sober driver if needed!

DIY Spa Night Soiree: Treat yourself to a pampering spa night in the comfort of your own home with a DIY pajama party spa soiree! Transform your living room into a zen oasis with scented candles, soothing music, and plush robes. Set up stations for facials, manicures, pedicures, and massages, and indulge in some much-needed self-care with your closest pals. Whip up homemade face masks, soak your feet in luxurious foot baths, and sip on refreshing cucumber water as you relax and unwind together.

Midnight Munchie Madness: Channel your inner night owl and embark on a midnight munchie adventure in your pajamas! Grab your crew and hit up your favorite 24-hour diner, convenience store, or late-night food truck for some indulgent treats to satisfy your cravings. Whether you’re craving greasy burgers, cheesy pizza, or sweet treats like donuts or ice cream, there’s no shortage of delicious options to choose from. Just remember to bring along your pajama-clad posse and your appetite for fun!

National Goof Off Day is all about embracing your playful side and enjoying life’s simple pleasures, so don’t be afraid to get a little silly and have some fun. Whether you’re lounging at home or out on the town, make sure to rock your favorite pajamas with pride and celebrate in style. After all, life’s too short to take yourself too seriously—so kick back, relax, and let the goofiness begin!

Embrace the Z’s: The Ultimate Guide to Napping

Hey there nap enthusiasts! Did you know that February 28th is not just any ordinary day? It’s National Sleep Where You Are Day. This quirky holiday invites everyone to indulge in a mid-day snooze right in the heart of wherever you may be. Whether it’s on a blanket at the beach, under a shady tree in the park, or even on a crowded bus or train, it’s all about embracing the power of the nap.

But we shouldn’t need a whimsical holiday to remind us how important it is to refresh our minds and bodies. Studies have shown that naps can improve mood, boost creativity, enhance cognitive function, and even lower the risk of heart disease. In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to rest and recharge is a must. Napping isn’t just for lazy Sundays or sluggish afternoons. It’s a time-honored tradition celebrated around the globe and so important to some cultures, that in many countries they actually close down for a couple hours in the afternoon so employees can nap and refresh themselves, much like how Google and Nike provide dedicated nap rooms for their employees here in the U.S.

The Power Nap: Clocking in at around 10 to 20 minutes, the power nap is the superhero of napping styles. It’s perfect for a quick energy boost without leaving you feeling groggy or disoriented. In just a few short moments, it’s like hitting the reset button on your day, giving you the stamina and mental clarity to power through whatever lies ahead with renewed vigor and focus.

The Hangover Nap: Lasting about 30 minutes, the hangover nap is your reliable remedy for those moments when you’re feeling a bit worse for wear. While it may initially leave you feeling slightly disoriented, fear not! After a brief adjustment period, you’ll bounce back feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to take on the world with newfound energy and enthusiasm.

The Brainiac Nap: At approximately 60 minutes, the brainiac nap is the intellectual’s choice for a mid-day recharge. It’s ideal for boosting cognitive function, enhancing memory recall, and sharpening mental acuity. While you may wake up feeling a tad foggy, rest assured that your brain will thank you later for the mental workout, leaving you better equipped to tackle tasks with clarity and precision.

The California King Nap: The granddaddy of all naps, the California King nap is the epitome of luxury and indulgence. Lasting a full 90 minutes, this siesta is a complete sleep cycle, complete with pajamas, dreams and deep relaxation. It’s like a mini-vacation for your brain, transporting you to a state of profound rejuvenation and renewal. When you awaken, you’ll feel refreshed, recharged, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way with renewed vigor and vitality.

So, here’s to the glorious nap—the ultimate antidote to life’s daily stresses and strains. May your pajamas be comfy, your pillows be fluffy, your blankets cozy, and your dreams sweet. Happy napping!

Embracing Winter Wellness: Nurturing Your Immune System Naturally

Winter invites us to slow down, savor cozy moments, and prioritize our well-being. Amidst the chill and festive celebrations, it’s crucial to pay special attention to our immune system, ensuring it remains robust to ward off seasonal challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore a holistic approach to winter wellness, incorporating self-care, relaxation, and the importance of quality sleep—wrapped in the comforting embrace of your favorite pajamas.

1. Harness the Power of Hydration: As the temperature drops, it’s easy to overlook hydration. Yet, staying well-hydrated is a simple yet effective way to bolster your immune system. Opt for soothing herbal teas, warm lemon water, or nourishing broths to keep yourself hydrated and cozy during the winter months.

2. Immunity-Boosting Nutrition: Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods that support immune health. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. Explore the vibrant array of winter produce, such as citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens. These not only provide essential vitamins and antioxidants but also add a burst of flavor to your seasonal meals.

3. Embrace the Winter Outdoors: While it’s tempting to stay bundled up indoors, getting some fresh air is invigorating for both the body and mind. Engage in winter-friendly outdoor activities like brisk walks, snowshoeing, or even a friendly snowball fight. The crisp air and natural light contribute to overall well-being and can enhance your mood.

4. Cozy Self-Care Rituals: Create a winter self-care routine to nourish your body and soul. Indulge in a warm bath with aromatic bath salts, pamper your skin with hydrating lotions, and savor the comfort of plush blankets. These rituals not only enhance relaxation but also contribute to stress reduction, a key component in maintaining a strong immune system.

5. Quality Sleep in Pajama Comfort: Adequate and restful sleep is a cornerstone of winter wellness. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Slip into your favorite pajamas, crafted for comfort and warmth, signaling to your body that it’s time to unwind. Quality sleep supports immune function, making it a crucial element of your winter well-being strategy.

6. Mindful Meditation: Integrate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to manage stress and promote mental clarity. Whether through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle yoga, these practices contribute to a sense of calm and balance, positively influencing your immune system.

7. Connect Virtually: Stay socially connected, even if it means virtual gatherings. Social interactions contribute to emotional well-being, and maintaining these connections during the winter months can help alleviate feelings of isolation. Schedule online game nights, virtual movie marathons, or simply catch up with loved ones over a glass of wine or cup of hot cocoa.

8. Seasonal Aromatherapy: Explore the aromatic wonders of essential oils to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Scents like cinnamon, eucalyptus, and lavender not only add a delightful fragrance to your space but also boast potential immune-boosting properties. Consider diffusing these oils or incorporating them into your self-care routines.

Winter wellness is a harmonious blend of nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. By adopting these holistic practices, you can create a foundation for a resilient immune system and embrace the season with vitality and joy. So, snuggle up in your coziest pajamas, savor the winter moments, and let the warmth of well-being envelop you throughout the season.

Mindful Moments: Finding Peace in the Chaos of the Holiday Season

In the whirlwind of holiday festivities, take a moment to step into tranquility. Explore mindfulness practices that promise serenity amidst the seasonal chaos, grounding yourself in the present moment. As the holiday season unfolds, discover the power of simple yet impactful techniques to infuse your home with a profound sense of calm.

And as you embark on this mindful journey, consider donning your coziest pajamas. Let the soft embrace of comfort be your initial guide in navigating the season with ease. Whether it’s the warmth of familiar fabrics or the soothing feel against your skin, your favorite pajamas will be the perfect companion in this pursuit of holiday serenity.

Breathe in, Breathe Out: Amidst the hustle and bustle, take a moment to reconnect with your breath. Inhale deeply, allowing the air to fill your lungs, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension. Repeat this mindful breathing exercise to center yourself and invite a sense of peace.

Create a Tranquil Space: Designate a serene corner in your home where you can retreat when the holiday frenzy becomes overwhelming. Filled with calming elements—soft cushions, flickering candles, or a touch of nature—this oasis will serve as a reminder to pause, breathe, and find solace. Wrapped in the gentle comfort of your cherished pajamas, let this space become your sanctuary for tranquility.

Mindful Appreciation: Amidst the chaos, consciously appreciate the beauty around you. Whether it’s the twinkling holiday lights, the warmth of a cozy blanket, or the laughter of loved ones, take a moment to savor these simple pleasures. Mindful appreciation enhances gratitude, fostering a positive and peaceful mindset.

Digital Detox Moments: In a world buzzing with notifications, grant yourself moments of digital detox. Silence your devices, disconnect from the virtual noise, and relish the simplicity of real-time connections. Engage in meaningful conversations, create memories, and be present with those around you.

Rituals of Relaxation: Establish rituals that promote relaxation and mindfulness. Whether it’s sipping a cup of herbal tea, indulging in a few pages of a favorite book, or practicing gentle stretches, these rituals create pockets of calm within the holiday storm. As you embrace these rituals, let the soft textures of your chosen pajamas enhance the overall sense of relaxation and comfort, allowing you to unwind in style.

Gratitude Journaling: End your day by jotting down a few things you are grateful for. Reflecting on positive moments fosters a mindset of gratitude, redirecting your focus from the chaos to the blessings that surround you.

As you navigate the bustling holiday schedule, let mindfulness be your guide to tranquility. These simple practices invite peace into your mind and home, creating a harmonious atmosphere amidst the festive chaos. Embrace the beauty of mindful moments, savor the present, and find peace in every breath.

Mastering the art of slowing down

If you feel your life is going too fast, mastering the art of slowing down is essential for achieving success. It’s an actual skill to step back and choose what is most important to you. If we can make the most of our days without rushing through things, we can be more productive.

Learning how to slow down your pace can start in the small moments of everyday life. For example, the way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day. By taking the time to intentionally begin your day, you will feel less stressed and rushed throughout your day. If you’re ready to ride in the slow lane for a bit, give these tried and true tips a go.

Deep Breath

Deep Breathing. The art of deep breathing can help you relax and reduce your stress levels. It activates the vagus nerve which is involved in the regulation of our physiological responses and acts as a neural brake. During a deep breath, the heart rate slows down and the breathing pattern becomes slow and deep. This process can decrease your feelings of anxiety and depression.

Meditate. Slowing down through meditation involves tapping into the breath and by doing so we calm the mind, reduce reactivity, and power the frontal lobes of the brain. We can use this technique to slow down time so that we can choose the right things to do at the right time.


Yoga. This practice requires you to pay attention to the present moment and refine your awareness and perception. We tend to be so wrapped up in our daily activities that we often become oblivious to the quiet part within us. Our mind demands outward stimulation so it is very important to take time to dive into your inner world.


Engage Nature. Take time away from business and reconnect with nature. This can be and variety of activities, including taking a walk, reading a book outdoors, or simply sitting and listening to nature’s soothing sounds. If possible, leave technology indoors.

Focus on the moment. It’s not all about slowing yourself down, it’s about practicing mindfulness. Being mindful means directing your attention toward the present moment and taking inventory of your surroundings and the people around you. In other words, when slowing down your life, you want to make the most of every moment rather than simply pass through it.

to do

Make a short to-do list. One of the best ways to slow down your life is to make a short to-do list. Whether it’s a daily task or a weekly project, writing it down helps trick your brain into thinking in specific steps. Having a short to-do list will help you prioritize tasks so put only three items on your list each day. This way, you’ll be able to check off the most important tasks and leave the rest for the next day or week.


Cultivating gratitude. This is a powerful way to boost your mood, foster stronger relationships, and even change the way you see yourself. Plus, practicing gratitude is totally free! When you practice gratitude, you’ll experience an increased sense of relaxation, a stronger immune system, and a reduction in blood pressure. Write down the things you’re grateful for or write a handwritten letter to someone special and focus on the good qualities of that person.


Get rid of clutter. Clutter clogs our brain’s neural pathways, which means that we can’t process information quickly and can negatively impact our relationships, health, and work performance. We also spend an inordinate amount of time searching for things. This is time we could be spending with loved ones or relaxing. When tackling a clutter problem, it’s important to start small. Start by putting your dirty laundry in a hamper, and then clear off the tops of appliances and shelves and move up from there.

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Create a cocoon. Fall is the best time to start learning the art of cocooning. You can start by setting aside a specific space in your bedroom. Then, set a schedule for cocooning and begin to follow it. Make sure you have plenty of comfortable pajamas on hand for your sessions.

The cooler weather and shorter days are the perfect time to think about slowing down your life. Tell us how you step back when things get hectic in the comments below or post on our Facebook page!


How to Celebrate National Relaxation Day

National Relaxation Day is August 15th. If you’ve ever wanted to take a day to unplug from technology and social media, you’ve come to the right place for ideas on how to do just that. Take a relaxing bath, relax with a good book, or get a massage. Whatever your reason for celebrating, relaxation can be beneficial for your mind and body.

Stress is one of the most common distractions we have, and taking some time to relax is essential for overall wellness. Taking breaks, watching TV, and light gardening are just a few of the ways to relax every day and unwind but if you’re looking for the best ways to spend a whole day relaxing, you should start planning now.  Listed below are 8 ideas to get you started.

Nat. Relaxation Day (1)

Take a mental health day. You can’t spend the day relaxing if you have to work. If possible, take a mental health day to reflect and do Inner Work. This day can be spent doing something you enjoy or trying something new, spending time with friends, or engaging in some challenging activity. While the latter might seem like a luxury, it will give you a relaxing feeling of accomplishment.

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Start the morning slow. Enjoy the time you get to spend in your pajamas. Sleep late, have a special breakfast, and work into your day. If you have others in the home that may interrupt your morning Zen, tell them in advance this is your day. Or better yet, get the whole gang involved. A whole morning in PJs for everyone!

Spa Day (1)

Visit a spa. There are so many benefits to visiting a spa. Aside from feeling good, spa treatments can help improve your skin’s health and organ function. Some spas even offer services to remove unwanted hair. If you’re looking for a day to relax, visiting a spa might be the perfect way to unwind. And you can easily schedule well in advance for your treatment.

Nature walk (1)

Take a scenic walk. Mother Nature can provide some of the most amazing backdrops for your relaxation day. Walk in a natural environment as opposed to an urban street. The mental boost you get from hiking trails, a sandy beach, or a forest can do wonders for your well-being.

meditate (3)

Meditate. Practicing meditation requires you to focus your mind and notice the world around you. If you’re new to meditation, National Relaxation Day is the perfect time to make it part of your daily routine. Try to meditate for a short period of time to begin with and work your way up to longer and more frequent sessions.

Exercize (1)

Exercise. There are numerous benefits of exercise as a way to relax. Exercise promotes stress reduction and strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular system, and digestive system by providing a physical activity that makes them work in tandem. Exercise is also proven to improve mood by producing endorphins that make you happy – so get moving and start relaxing!

Write (1)

Write something. In today’s stressful world, it’s important to find a way to escape and relax. Writing is a great hobby and creative outlet. Not only does it relax and inspire you, but it can also improve your logical thinking, narrative skills, and creative thinking. Write about anything you want and remember you’re not a novelist; this is a personal outlet for you!


Get some sun. Getting outside in the sunshine has several benefits, including improving mood. It prevents overproduction of the hormone melatonin, which is produced by the body when it is dark. Additionally, exposure to sunlight improves brain function which allows you to be more clear thinking and in turn organize your thoughts which will help you relax. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

There are a million things you can do to relax and after all, this is a national holiday so do what makes you relax! Don’t forget to spread the word about National Relaxation Day and celebrate your self-care!

Observe National Napping Day and begin a new routine

Every year national napping day is observed on the Sunday that we Spring forward which this year is March 13th. Not only does this day encourage you to nap so that the time change doesn’t affect you too much, it also reminds us that napping is a critical part of keeping our bodies and our minds where they need to be. We have internal clocks that get set on a routine so something as minimal as an hour difference can cause chaos all around. This is especially true for animals and children.
Much needed rest makes you feel good, improves your mood, and gives you energy. After napping you will notice you just feel better and this is backed by numerous studies that show a short nap is extremely effective for midday fatigue. You’ll be more alert, productive, and happy.
So how do you get the most out of a nap? Here are some ideas and tips that will turn you into a napping expert.


Nap early enough in the day. Because you don’t want to interrupt your natural sleep cycle, getting your nap in early enough in the day will keep you on track. Researchers note that between 1-3pm is the ideal time to catch a few Zzzzz’s.

Dark Room

Have a good napping environment. To get the most out of a nap you have to have the right place to do it. A dark room where there is a minimum amount of noise is ideal. The whole point of the nap is to actually get some rest, so if you have a lot going on around you, trying to get some rest on the couch may not work out very well.

30 Minutes

Keep your nap short.  Studies have shown that a 20-30 minute nap is the sweet spot to get that reboot. If you sleep too long you are more likely to feel tired when you wake up.

Be comfortable. If you can, change into your pajamas or comfy clothes before you lay your head down. If you are tight or uncomfortable clothing can inhibit your ability to nap properly. Make comfort a priority.
Family Nap

Get the whole family in on it. If possible get the whole family to nap at the same time. It creates a quiet environment, gets everyone some much needed rest, and makes for a happier bunch for the rest of the day.


Try a caffeine nap. Caffeine takes about 20 minutes to do its thing and that’s almost exactly the amount of time that is recommended for afternoon naps. If you drink your coffee or latte before laying down for your nap, it should kick in right about the time you’re waking up to take on the 2nd half of the day.

Clear your head. For most people, the biggest problem with napping is that you’re thinking too much. If you have a lot on your mind, try putting those things aside if even for a short time while you nap. You’re basically giving your brain a break and relieving stress.

Routine (1)

Practice, practice, practice. Many people just can’t get into nap mode. When you finally realize how important it is to work this critical rest in, you’ll understand the benefits. Just like you train yourself to go to the gym or manage a daily routine, you can do the same thing by getting your brain and body into a habit.


Maintain a normal night sleep routine. Just because you’re napping in the afternoon, don’t think that you can get less sleep at night. 8 hours per night is the recommended time for adults and having a schedule for going to bed and waking up keeps you on track. Look at the afternoon nap as a charge your body needs to be at its best.

Napping is a bit of an art but once you get it down you’ll be ever so thankful that you did. Your body, mind, and loved ones will thank you!

Remember to Relax – 7 tried and true ways to clear your mind

As things begin to return to what we know as normal life, the hustle and bustle of our everyday routines have worked their way back into our schedules. Coming off almost 2 years of ‘not as busy as usual’ may seem a little different right now but it won’t be long until busy-busy is just old hat again.


As your life returns to its pre-pandemic ways, you will need to remember that you still need “you” time to relax. You don’t want to forget this important part of maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. Here are 7 simple ideas that don’t cost anything that you can incorporate into everyday life to make sure you get in that critical relaxation time you need.

Nap (1)

Nap. Sleep is an essential part of rebooting your entire system. A short nap in your favorite pajamas can do wonders for your state of mind and is second-to-none when it comes to the ultimate relaxation technique.


Use aromatherapy. Lavender, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Ylang-Ylang, and lemongrass are all very popular aromatherapy scents used to enhance your relaxation techniques. These scents activate certain sensory triggers that put you at ease and make your mind relax.

Bath (1)

Take a bath. There is nothing better than a good soak in the tub to wash away the day’s commotion. Add relaxing essential oils to your bath water and turn on some soft music to really enhance your soak. Even 30 minutes of you-time in the soothing water can make all the difference in the world.

Book (1)

Read a book. Want to get away from it all for a little while? Put your nose in a good book and put your mind somewhere else.


Meditate. You may already incorporate meditation into your daily routine, and if so you know how well it works. If meditation is new to you, we recommend doing some research online and picking the technique that best fits your needs. It’s an incredible way to relax and it amazing way to calm your mind.


Spend time with a pet. Studies show that spending time with a pet is one of the most relaxing things you can do. It’s also a win-win because you are getting quality relaxation time and your pet is getting some extra love from their favorite human!


Have a hot beverage. Even 15 minutes alone with a cup of warm herbal tea is better than nothing at all. If you want to try something a little different, add some raw honey to hot water with a slice of lemon and drink it just like that. This concoction is relaxing, has amazing immunity benefits, and taste delicious

You may have your own way of relaxing but we encourage you to mix it up a bit and try different things. When you look forward to something, you’re more likely to actually do it.


Embrace the holiday spirit with a family pajama day

The spirit of Christmas is much more than presents and shopping. This is the time of year where we celebrate love and we spend time with the people that mean the most to us.

There’s nothing more important than family and setting aside special time to be with one another is one of the best ways to build your family bond. One way you can all be together is by having a family pajama day at home doing all the things that you love. We’ve got some ideas for things that you and your family can add to your favorite holiday activities to get into the spirit and celebrate Christmas together.


Eat breakfast all day. What goes better with pajamas than breakfast? Make the whole day about eating breakfast foods because there’s nothing wrong with having omelets for lunch or French toast for dinner. Let the whole family participate in the cooking so you’re all spending quality time together prepping and eating your delicious creations.

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Pick out new pajamas for the holidays. Hop online and browse new pajamas that you all want to wear for opening presents on Christmas morning. Individual choices based on taste are great but think matching family pajamas too! They are always a big hit, and your family will have outfits for a perfect photo.

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Have a fashion show. If you have lots of sets of pajamas why not swap them out over the course of the day. Each time you change, do a little runway show modeling your new look. Accessorize with festive socks, robes, and blankets too!


Decorate holiday cookies. You can bake the cookies ahead of time, and then set up a decorating station with a variety of colored icings, sprinkles, toppings, and more. Consider baking and decorating more than your family will eat so you can give them to neighbors and friends as tasty gifts.


Build a fort. A lazy pajama day almost always involves hiding out in your own homemade fort. You can use a tent, sheets, blankets, or anything else that you have around the house to build a cool little shelter. Decorate it with twinkle lights to really give it a holiday feel.

Child Sleep

Teach the benefits of sleep. Kids should know how important sleep is to their development and sneaking in a little lesson during your pajama day is a great way to reiterate it as well as explain why they need to stay on their sleep schedule even during the holiday break.

Holiday Movies

Watch holiday movies. With so many titles to choose from you can absolutely make a full day of watching movies. Pop some corn, heat up some cocoa, and let the fun begin.



Don’t forget to include your pets. They make pajamas for your pets! Don’t let Fido be left out of the family fun.

We hope your holiday family pajama day will be full of memories! Feel free to share your pictures on our Facebook page and tell us all about what you did on your special day!