Tag Archives: Winter

Embracing Winter Wellness: Nurturing Your Immune System Naturally

Winter invites us to slow down, savor cozy moments, and prioritize our well-being. Amidst the chill and festive celebrations, it’s crucial to pay special attention to our immune system, ensuring it remains robust to ward off seasonal challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore a holistic approach to winter wellness, incorporating self-care, relaxation, and the importance of quality sleep—wrapped in the comforting embrace of your favorite pajamas.

1. Harness the Power of Hydration: As the temperature drops, it’s easy to overlook hydration. Yet, staying well-hydrated is a simple yet effective way to bolster your immune system. Opt for soothing herbal teas, warm lemon water, or nourishing broths to keep yourself hydrated and cozy during the winter months.

2. Immunity-Boosting Nutrition: Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods that support immune health. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. Explore the vibrant array of winter produce, such as citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens. These not only provide essential vitamins and antioxidants but also add a burst of flavor to your seasonal meals.

3. Embrace the Winter Outdoors: While it’s tempting to stay bundled up indoors, getting some fresh air is invigorating for both the body and mind. Engage in winter-friendly outdoor activities like brisk walks, snowshoeing, or even a friendly snowball fight. The crisp air and natural light contribute to overall well-being and can enhance your mood.

4. Cozy Self-Care Rituals: Create a winter self-care routine to nourish your body and soul. Indulge in a warm bath with aromatic bath salts, pamper your skin with hydrating lotions, and savor the comfort of plush blankets. These rituals not only enhance relaxation but also contribute to stress reduction, a key component in maintaining a strong immune system.

5. Quality Sleep in Pajama Comfort: Adequate and restful sleep is a cornerstone of winter wellness. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Slip into your favorite pajamas, crafted for comfort and warmth, signaling to your body that it’s time to unwind. Quality sleep supports immune function, making it a crucial element of your winter well-being strategy.

6. Mindful Meditation: Integrate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to manage stress and promote mental clarity. Whether through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle yoga, these practices contribute to a sense of calm and balance, positively influencing your immune system.

7. Connect Virtually: Stay socially connected, even if it means virtual gatherings. Social interactions contribute to emotional well-being, and maintaining these connections during the winter months can help alleviate feelings of isolation. Schedule online game nights, virtual movie marathons, or simply catch up with loved ones over a glass of wine or cup of hot cocoa.

8. Seasonal Aromatherapy: Explore the aromatic wonders of essential oils to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Scents like cinnamon, eucalyptus, and lavender not only add a delightful fragrance to your space but also boast potential immune-boosting properties. Consider diffusing these oils or incorporating them into your self-care routines.

Winter wellness is a harmonious blend of nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. By adopting these holistic practices, you can create a foundation for a resilient immune system and embrace the season with vitality and joy. So, snuggle up in your coziest pajamas, savor the winter moments, and let the warmth of well-being envelop you throughout the season.

Don’t Let Winter Doldrums get you down

It’s been a long winter. The cold weather, short days and gray skies can leave you feeling blue. February is usually the month where SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) peaks for many people. The holidays are over and although spring is just around the corner, it seems sometimes as if brighter days will never arrive.

It’s time to snap out of it and lift your spirits. We’ve got 7 tips to help you stay sunny during the winter doldrums.

It’s been a long winter. The cold weather, short days and gray skies can leave you feeling blue. February is usually the month where SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) peaks for many people. The holidays are over and although spring is just around the corner, it seems sometimes as if brighter days will never arrive. It’s time to snap out of it and lift your spirits. We’ve got 7 tips to help you stay sunny during the winter doldrums.people-2568410_640

  1. Stay Active. It has been scientifically proven that exercise reduces the symptoms of depression by increasing the endorphins that generate positive feelings. Whenever possible plan your physical activity for the morning. It has been shown that morning exercisers, burn more calories throughout the day, report better sleep, and have lower blood pressure. You’ll also love the way you look once you finally can put those warm-weather clothes on!
  2. Get your D. Also known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’, studies have shown that most people need to increase their intake by up to 500% in the winter months. Vitamin D is not only critical for essential body health but researchers have also found that it improves mood.

emerson somedaysmodel daisyphotoshoot daisyclassic63. Show your bright side. It has been shown that the more down in the dumps we are, the less able we are to distinguish colors. Gloomy gray skies and long nights don’t help. When you add color to your wardrobe such as red, orange, yellow, and chartreuse your mood will actually improve. You could also give a room in your house a makeover with a splash of color by painting the walls or accessorizing with bright cheery décor. This gives you a happy place to spend your inside time.

4. Eat light. During cold, dark months our bodies instinctively crave carbohydrates and “comfort foods”. Not only is this type of diet unhealthy but it also provides a false sense of happiness. These simple carbs will give you a short-lived energy boost and feeling of satisfaction but it’s only a matter of time before it all wears off and your left feeling worse than you did before. Instead choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins which are mood-boosting foods. Your waistline will thank you too!

5. Put your toes in the sand. While taking a vacation is not possible for everyone if you have the means and the time off we highly recommend a warm beach getaway if even for a few days. The time off, the energy from the sun (use sunscreen), and the relaxation it an instant moor booster. If taking off to a tropical paradise isn’t in the cards, consider spending the weekend at a water park or spa. Any getaway can turn that frown around.orange-1995056_640

6. Smell Citrus. Yep – you read that right. If you’re feeling blue or lack energy, cut an orange or lemon or light a citrus candle and take in the scent. A study published in the Journal NeuroImmunoModulation found that when patients suffering from depression were exposed to citrus smells their moods were lifted. The smells likely stimulated sensory systems which provided a much-needed boost of


7. Bring in spring. One of the best parts of spring is when everything starts to bloom. A sure fire way to bring your out of your funk is to surround yourself with fresh flowers. Nowadays you can buy reasonably priced, beautiful bouquets at most grocery stores so pick a few up and place them around your home where everyone can enjoy them. It’s one of our favorite things to do! We can’t make spring come any quicker but we hope these tips will help you get through the next few weeks until Mother Nature decides to send Jack Frost away until next year.

If you have go-to remedies for the winter blues, we’d love to hear them. Post them in the comments or head over to our Facebook page and share them there!

Active Indoor Game Ideas for Kids

10 Best Indoor Games to Get Kids Moving

Many of us are looking forward to a 3-day weekend but for parents, a long weekend translates to three days with the kids and it’s easy to feel like a cruise director. January is an exceptionally chilly, blustery time of year and both kids and adults are mostly stuck indoors on the weekend. Whether you’re hosting a sleepover or a family game night, these fun indoor games will help your kids burn some of that excess energy. But don’t worry — no sneakers required. Your coziest flannel pajamas, as always, are perfectly acceptable attire.

Best Indoor Games for Kids

Jump around in these ‘Stay Cool’ pajamas by Big Feet.

Active Indoor Game Ideas for Kids

1. Race to the Finish. Use masking tape or painters to tape to create “lanes” on the floor. Create flashcards with different movements such as hop, skip, or crabwalk. Get creative and let the kids come up with ideas too. For example, one card could read “walk like a chicken” or “swing like a monkey” and have participants come up with their own interpretive movements. Draw a movement card from a hat at random. Players participate in a silly “race to the finish” with the chosen wacky movement.

2. Twister. The classics never fade. Twister is a still an uproariously fun game to play during a sleepover, family game night, or just a fun night in with friends! You’re more likely to topple over from laughing than from loss of balance. Just be prepared for your kids to mock your attempts at agility for the rest of the weekend!

3. Indoor Bowling. Stack plastic cups into a large pyramid. Stack them high and stack them deep. Use a 5-8” toy ball, or even a tennis ball, to roll on the floor at the pyramid. Players get a point for each “pin” they knock down. Just like bowling, the game becomes more challenging as more pins are removed.

4. Limbo! Remember this one? Limbo is a game best played in a group, so it’s a great choice for a sleepover. Grab a broom or mop and see just how low everyone can go! Remember, ‘Limbo’ is one part game and one part dance party, so have the kids help you come up with a killer playlist that everyone will enjoy.

5. Balloon Waddle. A less messy version of the egg-and-spoon race, Balloon Waddle is a silly game that’s perfect for little kids! Blow up some balloons and see if the kids can “waddle” from one end of the room to the other with the balloon between their knees, without dropping it. If it’s too easy or the kids are a bit older, set up a few obstacles for the kids to move around or hop over.

Active Games for Sleepovers

Sleepover-ready in these super comfy dinosaur pajamas by Big Feet.

6. Musical Chair Dance Party. A great group game that can be fun at any age with the right tunes! Simply gather a number of chairs that is -1 of the number of participants and arrange them in a circle, seats facing outward. Play upbeat music. The group must dance (not walk!) around the chairs until the music stops, then it’s a scramble for a seat! Whoever is left without a seat when the music stops is out. Subtract one more chair and keep playing until there’s a winner!

7. Charade-ercise. For the athletically-inclined crowd or a family of sports enthusiasts, create a game of charades that involves a little more movement than most. Create your own categories such as sports, sports-themed movies, and athletes (remember, swimmers, skiers, gymnasts, and dancers count!). Using flashcards, write down your own sporty subjects for participants to energetically act out.

8. *Lego Hunt. Treasure hunts are for more than backyard birthday parties. Perfect for sleepovers or busy little kids, create your own “lego hunt” inside your home. This game is a little more like an Easter Egg Hunt and less involved than a Treasure Hunt where you have to create clues. Simply hide Legos, or Duplo blocks for little kids, around the house. Assign each player or team a color to locate. Hide the same number of pieces for each color. See who can find all their pieces first. Play again and again to see if the kids and beat their best time!

*This game could be played a variety of ways if you don’t have Legos or Duplo blocks. Think about any toys that can be divided into categories, such as animal figurines (mammals vs. reptiles), action figures, cars, and dinosaurs (cars vs. dinosaurs, for example).

9. “Dunk” Competition. This one is surprisingly simple, yet amuses kids …and some adults… of varying ages. You can host an indoor “dunk” competition that doesn’t involve mounting a basketball hoop to your living room wall. Simply set an empty garbage can across the room and see who can make the most shots, either in a row or best out of 10. The perfect activity for a simple, sporty family game night.

10. Hide-and-Go-Seek. Don’t forget this one! Similar to a treasure hunt, a good old fashioned game of hide and seek will have kids running around the house for hours as they take turns being the “seeker.” This game is still a great hands-off way to tire out any child!

We hope these game ideas inspire you to get your family moving this weekend. For more tips and ideas for entertaining kids during these cold winter months, check out The Pajama Company Blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog.

How to Make the Best of Winter

Make the Best of Winter

Each season brings positives and negatives, but according to a recent Gallup poll, only 11% of Americans list winter as their favorite time of year. While the winter months bring the holidays, twinkle lights, parties, and presents, winter also brings cold weather and shorter, darker days — a bit of a bummer for the other 89%. It’s easy to see the glass as half empty, but why not embrace the darkness?

By welcoming winter with open arms and maintaining a positive attitude, we can stave off those pesky winter blues. Brush off that Grinch attitude and see the bright side of nature’s darkest season.

Snuggle Up, Buttercup

Instead of thinking of winter as cold, think of it as cozy. The weather outside is what makes our throw blankets feel softer, our couch feel more comfortable, and our bedroom feel more inviting. Winter is the ultimate excuse to hibernate: laze around in your bathrobe, sip chamomile tea, and curl up under a warm blanket.

When you think about it, winter is just as romantic as spring, the season that gets all the romance glory. Candlelight and red wine are more appropriate in the winter. Activities like snuggling up and watching a movie or dining in a warm, cozy restaurant are practically a given during the colder months. Winter brings us closer.

Indulge in a Little Comfort

If you found yourself saying, “It’s too hot to eat…” at any point last summer, now is your time to take advantage. Make it a point to indulge in all the warm ooey gooey, steaming hot comfort food that you can’t fully enjoy during the warmer months. Bowls of ramen piled high with noodles and thinly sliced pork. Molten chocolate cake and bread pudding on the dessert menu. Baked ziti, spicy samosas, mac n’ cheese.

We understand that many people choose to do a healthy “reset” in January… but winter is long. Before that hot humid weather rolls back around, be sure to treat yourself to a delicious meal that warms you right down to your soul.

The Most Creative Time of Year

Winter drives us indoors, making it the best time of year to start that hobby you’ve been putting off: learn French, make homemade pasta, or learn how to knit. In the warmer months we almost feel guilty when we spend time indoors. During the winter, we can stay at home and learn to watercolor in the comfort of our living room without shame.

Remember, being creative doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. If you find winter to be a lonely time of year, you’re not alone. Or at least you don’t have to be. Start a book club, crafting meet-up, or learn to knit with a friend. Surrounding yourself with good people and good conversation makes any dark day brighter.

Apres Ski Classic Flannel Pajama Set by PJ Salvage

Apres Ski Classic Flannel Pajama Set by PJ Salvage

Read Yourself a Bedtime Story

“Summer reads” have their place, but why not make your way through some winter reads too?  Because it gets darker earlier, most people tend to go to bed earlier in the winter months. The cold weather makes us eager to jump into our flannel pajamas and put our feet up. Pick a book and get into the habit of reading a chapter each night before you go to bed. Not only is reading before bed great exercise for the mind, some studies have suggested that reading before bed also helps you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Once you get into the groove, you’ll be surprised how many books you get through by spring. Far more than you’d ever knock out in a weekend at the beach!

An Excuse to Sleep In

Here’s the absolute best part about winter: it stays dark longer. What’s that? You thought the darkness was a negative? Think of the darkness as nature’s blackout curtain. A later sunrise means that this is the best time of year to comfortably sleep in. It’s as if nature is saying, “Go ahead, take a break. You deserve it.” Sleep in on the weekend and enjoy long, lazy mornings warm in your pajamas just because you can. Soak up the comfort of your warm, cozy bed like you would rays at the beach.

We hope you make the most of the remaining winter months, whether you’re hitting the slopes or hitting the couch with a good book. For more ideas for family fun this season, check out The Pajama Company Blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog.

Self-Care Tips

Don’t Make Plans This Weekend: Hibernate Instead

New year, new you? Before you dive into a 30-day cleanse, start training for a marathon, or sign up for cooking classes — take a weekend to piece the old you back together. The holidays are a wonderful, magical time of year: family, twinkling lights, cozy cups of hot chocolate, more family, friends, parties you’re hosting, parties you’re attending, parties you’re baking for, gifts to wrap, winter break for the kids, even more family… The list of obligations in the month of December escalates quickly. When it’s time to go back to work on January 2nd, you’re already feeling burnt out.

This is why we suggest taking the weekend after the New Year to “hibernate.” Pretend you’re a bear (or family of bears) living in a cave. Get cozy, get comfortable, and put your feet up.

Donuts Flannel Pajama Set by Munki Munki

Donuts Flannel Pajama Set by Munki Munki

Self-Care Guide: How to Hibernate for the Weekend

1. Dress appropriately.

There’s only one hard rule for a hibernation weekend: no pants with zippers. You can wear pajama pants, yoga pants, sweatpants, or any other ultra-comfortable clothes you adore. Pajamas are a great choice, especially for the afternoon naps you might indulge in. Wearing a plush bathrobe, fuzzy socks, and warm slippers will make you feel like you’re at a spa for the weekend.

2. Don’t schedule anything.

You’re not maximizing your time by scheduling out every minute of your hibernation weekend. If you live in a busy household, it might sound like a great idea to set your alarm and wake up early. That way, you could get the bathroom to yourself for a while and soak in the tub — but you also might need the extra sleep. Scheduling your relaxation takes otherwise enjoyable activities and turns them into chores and obligations. Tune in to your body and see how you’re feeling in the moment.

3. Limit your screen time.

In the spirit of hibernation, disconnect email and social media from your phone. We’re all guilty of browsing Facebook, Instagram, and checking work email over the weekend, instead of getting to that book we’ve been meaning to read. Limiting your screen time will also reduce the chatter in your mind that leads to stress and anxiety, allowing you to truly relax.

Dog Tired Women's Nightshirt by Hatley

‘Dog Tired’ Women’s Nightshirt by Hatley

4. Get comfortable.

Pile the blankets and pillows high on the couch or your bed. Light candles and dim the lights. Create a comfortable and relaxing ambiance. Keep everything you need within an arm’s reach: a cup of tea, a snack, magazines, headphones, playlists, books, or the remote so you can stream movies or binge entire seasons of new TV shows. The goal of your weekend hibernation is to exert as little energy as you can so you can feel rested on Monday. Get comfortable.

5. Secure time for yourself.

If you’re sharing your home with your family or roommates, try your best to find some alone time. Let your housemates know that you need a little space for an hour while you read, soak, or take a nap in your bedroom. Even the biggest extroverts need alone time to fully recharge. A little space does a lot of good.

6. Choose the path of least resistance.

When faced with questions like “What should I make for dinner?” or “What activity would the kids like to do this afternoon?” — rephrase the questions like this: “What is the easiest way to make dinner?” or “What is a simple activity that will keep the kids busy this afternoon?” Give yourself permission to choose the easiest route. Sometimes that means takeout or cereal for dinner and other times that means at you put on a movie for the kids and enjoy a couple hours of peace.

7. Drink plenty of water and go to bed early.

The simplest acts of self care are often the most obvious and the most overlooked. Try your very best to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water each day. Staying hydrated helps with muscle and brain function, keeps your skin clear, eases muscle pain, and helps you sleep better at night. While you’re at it, go to bed as early as you can. Getting at eight hours of sleep reduces your risk for diabetes and heart disease. Sleep also boosts your immune system, manages weight loss, and retains memory. Put on your favorite pajamas and get down to it!

We hope you consider making self-care a habit in 2019! For more ideas for hibernating, self-care, and tips for relaxing, check out The Pajama Company blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog.

matching family pajamas

family activities winter break

15 Fun Indoor Activities for Winter Break

Winter break is fast approaching. Depending on where your kids go to school, winter break could be a few days or up to two weeks! If you or your partner have made arrangements to be at home with them during this time, there’s a lot of pressure to find ways to entertain younger children. Here we have compiled a list of simple activities that will keep them busy and keep you from becoming the household cruise director.

best matching family pajama selection

Holiday-ready with matching family pajamas from Munki Munki!

Simple ideas for family fun during winter break.

1. Bake for friends and family. Even if “baking” means decorating easy slice-and-bake cookies from the store, this is a fun seasonal activity that can double as a Christmas gift. Bake and decorate cookies, scones, or quick breads with the kids then wrap them up as gifts for family, friends, or neighbors.

2. Make Christmas ornaments. If you’re the Pinterest type, go ahead and find a fun tutorial. As an alternative, you can also find unfinished white porcelain ornaments at most craft stores. The kids will love painting them and hanging them on the tree!

3. Host a board game tournament. Pick a few of your favorite board games to play and host a “tournament.” Depending on the age and competitive nature of your kiddos, you could even have small prizes.

4. Color — grown ups too! Get out the crayons, pencils, and markers and just spend some time together coloring. Help out younger children with their coloring or pick up a couple adult coloring books (that’s a thing now) so you can enjoy the activity too!

5. Build-your-own pizza bar. Great for lunch or dinner, grab a pack of mini-pizza crusts and a variety of toppings. Choose a variety of sliced meats, vegetables, and different cheeses. Let the kids build their own pizza. This is a great activity for picky toddlers — they’re more likely to eat their meal if they help make it!

6. Classic Christmas movie marathon. They don’t make ‘em like they used to! Give the hi-def CG a break this season and fire up the old holiday classics: Miracle on 34th Street (1947), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966), Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964), Frosty the Snowman (1969), A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965), and Jack Frost (1979).

7. Take turns hosting a sleepover. If your pre-holiday to-do list is overwhelming, talk to other parents in your kids’ class and take turns hosting sleepovers over winter break. This will give you time to finish shopping, finish wrapping, get the house ready for guests, or just decompress. For winter sleepover ideas, check out our fun post on how to throw a ‘cookie swap’ sleepover!

8. Make post-holiday thank you cards. Have the kids design and create thank you cards to send to thank grandmas, grandpas, aunties, and uncles to thank them for gifts received during the holiday season. Not only is it a simple crafting activity, it’s a great way to teach them gratitude. Make the cards now and fill them out later!

Matching couples pajamas

Festive pajamas aren’t just for the kids! Check out this cute new thermal set from Munki Munki.

9. Build a gingerbread house together. Not only is this a creative, fun, delicious activity — it kills quite a bit of time! Gingerbread house kits are affordable and bake-free these days. Pick up all the holiday candies and let the kids build an epic edible centerpiece for Christmas dinner that doubles as dessert!

10. Write your own bedtime story. This imaginative activity may require some help with little kids when it comes to writing. After they’ve dreamed up their own bedtime stories, have them illustrate each page and clip or staple it together into a book. After the kids put on their pajamas, they’ll be eager to read their stories before bed!

11. Build a fort in the living room. Living room, their bedrooms — anywhere. It’s surprising, but once the kids have constructed their own space, they’ll want to eat, sleep, and play there. This is a simple way to entertain them and get a moment of peace while they amuse themselves in their new digs!

12. Have a spa day at home. Stock up on foot soaks, nail polish, eye masks, and magazines and host a winter spa day with the kids at home. The best part of this activity is that you don’t need to get out of your bathrobe!

13. Host a family book club. A fun activity for the book-loving family is to read the same book together! Get your own copies or borrow from the library. For younger children, maybe this means that the whole family participates in storytime before bed. The kids will love reading together with their parents and siblings.

14. Make homemade hot cocoa together. We know, we know — you can get the packets at the grocery store. Hot chocolate is actually really easy to make at home with just a handful of ingredients. There are a lot of simple recipes available online that you can follow. If you’re not a baker, this is also a simple holiday kitchen activity you can enjoy with your kids. The best part? Hot chocolate is so much more decadent when it’s homemade!

15. Family “sleepover” with matching family pajamas. If your kids’ friends are out of town for the holidays, have a family sleepover with matching PJs. Do everything you would do for the kids, but for your family. That means chips, pizza, candy, no bedtime, games, movies flashlights, and sleeping bags. Think of it as a mini-staycation before the holiday madness.

We hope you and your kids enjoy some of these ideas during your winter break. Looking for more ideas for family fun during the holidays? Check out The Pajama Company blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog.

gingerbread pajamas banner (1)

Best Fall Hot Drink Recipes

12 Warm and Cozy Drinks for Fall

Let’s be honest: yes, we all love a good pumpkin-spiced coffee drink — ‘tis the season, right? But sometimes we don’t feel like waiting in line for thirty minutes or dropping up to $42 each week on a new bad habit. We’re more the “sip-at-home-in-your-pajama-pants” type and that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Instead of schlepping your cold, tired body to your nearest coffee chain this fall, try these simple, warm and cozy fall drink recipes at home. Don your favorite bathrobe and curl up with a book from our latest reading list — what’s more ‘fall’ than that?

"Coffee" Hooded Fleece Adult Union Suit by Boxercraft

“Coffee” Hooded Fleece Adult Union Suit by Boxercraft

12 Hot Drink Recipes for Fall

1. The Golden Latte

Move over, Pumpkin Spice. This is a dairy-free, lightly spiced drink that warms and satisfies. It has a beautiful golden yellow glow from the turmeric, which is blended with fresh ginger, honey, and coconut oil for a decadent, calming, brew. Get the recipe from Martha Stewart here.

2. Easy Chai Tea

This coffee shop favorite is actually easier to make than you think. Just bring crushed spices, cinnamon sticks, ginger and milk to a boil, add tea bags and let steep for 10 minutes. Get the full recipe from Real Simple here.

3. Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix

This homemade hot chocolate mix is made with a blend of chocolate and cocoa powder for a rich, decadent, creamy texture. Throw it in a jar, wrap a bow around it, and it’ll make a great gift too! Get the instructions from Epicurious here.

4. Caramel-Hazelnut Cafe Mocha

The only thing you need to know about this recipe: melted Nutella. Yes, please. This recipe is made in the slow cooker and after cooking it can be kept on the warm setting for one hour, so it’s great to serve at an upcoming holiday party. Get the recipe from Midwest Living here.

5. Matcha Green Tea

How’s this for a pick-me-up? Matcha, a traditional Japanese tea, is one of the most nutritious beverages you can consume. This is a warm, healthy pick-me-up to replace your morning cup o’ joe. Get the recipe from My Recipes here.

6. Easy Blender Eggnog

Make this holiday favorite with all the flavor in half the time (without sacrificing quality!). Use your blender to whip up a batch of this fall / winter favorite instantly. Get the time saving recipe from Real Simple here.

Women's "Fancy Coffee" Classic Pajama Set by Munki Munki

Women’s “Fancy Coffee” Classic Pajama Set by Munki Munki

7. Cinnamon White Hot Chocolate

Cinnamon lends a warming and welcome complexity to this comforing, creamy, cold-weather drink. A bit of a grown-up twist on your childhood favorite. Of course, it’s great for white chocolate lovers. Get the recipe from Epicurious here.

8. Hot Honey Lemonade with Ginger

Sweet and a touch of spicy, kids actually love this hot lemonade! What makes the drink so popular? Honey-drop candies are melted in each glass… You could alter the recipe with less sugar and serve it as a soothing beverage for your little ones when they come down with their first cold of the season. Get the unique and fun recipe from Martha Stewart here.

9. Heartwarming Cider

Spiced with the right ingredients — ginger, allspice, nutmeg — this classic drink is transformed into a festive treat that’s sweet but not too sweet. Optional: serve with rum. Get the recipe from My Recipes here.

10. Chai Eggnog

A spicy twist on a classic. Mix this homemade eggnog recipe with a touch of chai tea (and a dash of bourbon if you’d like!). You’ll feel extra toasty inside and out. Get the recipe from Gimme Some Oven here.

11. Mexican Hot Chocolate

This. Is. The. Best. If you’re a fan of a little spicy kick now and again, you’ll never drink chocolate the old way again. Simmered with a cinnamon stick, vanilla extract, and a touch of chili powder, this hot chocolate is fragrant and delicious with a dollop of whipped cream. Get the mouthwatering recipe from My Recipes here.

12. Pumpkin Spice Latte (we had to)

Make this favorite at home! Enjoy this fall favorite anytime. The recipe calls for strong coffee, warming spices, and plenty of whipped cream. Get the recipe from Martha Stewart here.

For more drinks, recipes, and ideas for family fun this fall season, visit our blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog.

coffee pajamas

12 Simple and Delicious Late Night Snacks

The clock is creeping past ten. You’re unwinding in your pajamas, snuggled into the couch, wrapped up a cozy throw blanket… when your stomach grumbles. You know you “aren’t supposed to” eat after 8pm, but is that really a hard rule? And who made the rule? Why do you have to follow it?

As it turns out, the supposed link between weight gain and late-night eating is a myth. Our metabolism doesn’t slow down at night, converting everything we ate into fat. The same daytime rules apply at nighttime: everything in moderation. That said, we’ve compiled a collection of tasty late night snacks that you don’t have to feel guilty about.

Strawberry Smoothie

Late Night Snacks You Can Feel Good About

1. Strawberry Smoothie. Combine vanilla yogurt, milk or your preferred milk substitute, frozen strawberries and blend. Depending on how sweet the yogurt is, add honey to sweeten the shake. Using Greek yogurt will increase your protein intake — on average 15 to 20 grams per 6 ounces — and make for a more satisfying snack. Low fat yogurt is also an option for reduced calorie intake.

2. Avocado Toast. Simply make a piece of toast and slice up half of a small avocado. Smash the avocado on top of the toast with a fork. Add other toppings like nutritional yeast, green onions, sliced radishes, or baby arugula. Using multigrain or sprouted bread will increase both your fiber and protein intake.

3. Frozen Grapes. This may sound a little strange if you’ve never done it before, but trust us — frozen grapes are delicious. Pull grapes from their stems and place them in a freezer bag. Once they’re frozen you have snackable sorbet. This is a wonderful low-calorie option for those of us who like to reach for a frozen treat at night. Crackers, Turkey, Cheese

4. Whole Wheat Crackers with Cheese and Turkey. Fiber-rich woven wheat crackers are low in calories and very satisfying. Just six Triscuit crackers contain 120 calories, 3 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of protein. Top with thin slices of your favorite cheese and roast turkey. Very satisfying!

5. Quesadilla Half. Heat one 8-inch multigrain tortilla on a skillet and place grated cheese on one half. Layer with other toppings if desired (deli meats, baby spinach, green onions), top half with second layer of cheese and fold the quesadilla in half. Once one side is toasted, flip and toast the other side until the cheese is melted through. Serve with salsa and enjoy!

6. Greek Yogurt and Low-Fat Granola. As we mentioned earlier, Greek yogurt is packed with protein so a small serving will ward off hunger for a long time. Combine the yogurt with the fiber punch of granola, top with honey, and you have a sweet, creamy, and crunchy snack.

7. Ham and Provolone Roll-Ups. Cut out the carbs with these quick and easy ham and provolone roll-ups. Spread a thin layer of mustard on a slice of provolone, top with a slice of ham, and roll it up! Packed with protein and flavor, this filling snack will put an end to your hunger pangs.

Dark Chocolate is a Healthy Snack

8. Dark Chocolate. If you’re craving chocolate, the darker the better. Milk chocolate contains less of the original cocoa bean than dark chocolate and contains more milk, sugar, and cream. Savoring a little bit of quality dark chocolate will satisfy your craving and will be a relatively healthy treat.

9. Banana and Peanut Butter. Snacks don’t get much easier than this! Simply spread a little bit on peanut butter on a banana as you peel it. While peanut butter is high in protein, it’s also high-calorie and high in saturated fat, so spread accordingly.

10. DIY Popcorn. Air pop your own popcorn at home or pop with oil. Either way, it will be far better for you than the sodium and chemical-loaded stuff that comes out of the microwave. The benefit of popping it yourself is that you’re in control of the toppings — what they are and how much. Add a little parmesan cheese, garlic salt, or zesty lime seasoning. Have fun with it!

Black Bean Salad and Tortilla Chips

11. Black Bean Salad and Tortilla Chips. Keeping a batch of black bean salad in the fridge is a great way to spice up salads, rice, and other side dishes throughout the week. It’s also wonderful as a flavorful and hearty snack on a handful of tortilla chips.

12. Pita with Veggies and Hummus. Cut a small whole wheat pita in half, open up the pocket and spread the inside with hummus. Place mixed greens and sliced veggies inside for a fresh and tasty treat!

For more ideas for how to unwind in your pajamas this winter, visit The Pajama Company at our blog, thepajamacompany.com/blog.


Best Winter Reading List for Pajamas

The Ultimate Winter Reading List

After this week’s Nor’easter on the East Coast, we feel like curling up in our flannel pajamas with a good book this weekend. A hot cup of coffee and great novel is the best way to recover after a yucky week of snow, sleet, ice, and slush. The winter months are ideal for nostalgic novels, a splash of history, dark thrillers, and deeply twisted plots. Grab your fuzzy slippers and park yourself on the couch with one of these winter favorites.

Winter Reading List

Get comfortable with pajama pants and a good book this weekend.

Top 10 Books to Read in Your Pajamas this Winter Continue reading

Host a Cookie Swap Pajama Party

How to Throw a ‘Cookie Swap’ Pajama Party

We’re big fans of a good pajama party, especially during the winter months. There is something about being snuggled up with your closest friends in your favorite PJs, enjoying great snacks and good movie, that feels so right in the winter. The only thing in the world that could make a winter sleepover feel even more cozy is a pile of freshly baked cookies.

‘Cookie swaps’ are a super fun addition to Christmas parties, cookouts, and family reunions — so why not host one during a pajama party, when you’re already on the hunt for sweet treats? The concept is simple: each guest brings cookies for everyone to try and enough cookies for everyone to take some home. It’s a great way to share recipes you love with friends and, well, eat cookies!

How to Host a Cookie Swap

Need recipe ideas? Check out these must-try cookies.

8 Tips for Hosting a ‘Cookie Swap’ Sleepover Continue reading