Category Archives: Winter

Embracing Winter Wellness: Nurturing Your Immune System Naturally

Winter invites us to slow down, savor cozy moments, and prioritize our well-being. Amidst the chill and festive celebrations, it’s crucial to pay special attention to our immune system, ensuring it remains robust to ward off seasonal challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore a holistic approach to winter wellness, incorporating self-care, relaxation, and the importance of quality sleep—wrapped in the comforting embrace of your favorite pajamas.

1. Harness the Power of Hydration: As the temperature drops, it’s easy to overlook hydration. Yet, staying well-hydrated is a simple yet effective way to bolster your immune system. Opt for soothing herbal teas, warm lemon water, or nourishing broths to keep yourself hydrated and cozy during the winter months.

2. Immunity-Boosting Nutrition: Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods that support immune health. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. Explore the vibrant array of winter produce, such as citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens. These not only provide essential vitamins and antioxidants but also add a burst of flavor to your seasonal meals.

3. Embrace the Winter Outdoors: While it’s tempting to stay bundled up indoors, getting some fresh air is invigorating for both the body and mind. Engage in winter-friendly outdoor activities like brisk walks, snowshoeing, or even a friendly snowball fight. The crisp air and natural light contribute to overall well-being and can enhance your mood.

4. Cozy Self-Care Rituals: Create a winter self-care routine to nourish your body and soul. Indulge in a warm bath with aromatic bath salts, pamper your skin with hydrating lotions, and savor the comfort of plush blankets. These rituals not only enhance relaxation but also contribute to stress reduction, a key component in maintaining a strong immune system.

5. Quality Sleep in Pajama Comfort: Adequate and restful sleep is a cornerstone of winter wellness. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Slip into your favorite pajamas, crafted for comfort and warmth, signaling to your body that it’s time to unwind. Quality sleep supports immune function, making it a crucial element of your winter well-being strategy.

6. Mindful Meditation: Integrate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to manage stress and promote mental clarity. Whether through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or gentle yoga, these practices contribute to a sense of calm and balance, positively influencing your immune system.

7. Connect Virtually: Stay socially connected, even if it means virtual gatherings. Social interactions contribute to emotional well-being, and maintaining these connections during the winter months can help alleviate feelings of isolation. Schedule online game nights, virtual movie marathons, or simply catch up with loved ones over a glass of wine or cup of hot cocoa.

8. Seasonal Aromatherapy: Explore the aromatic wonders of essential oils to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Scents like cinnamon, eucalyptus, and lavender not only add a delightful fragrance to your space but also boast potential immune-boosting properties. Consider diffusing these oils or incorporating them into your self-care routines.

Winter wellness is a harmonious blend of nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. By adopting these holistic practices, you can create a foundation for a resilient immune system and embrace the season with vitality and joy. So, snuggle up in your coziest pajamas, savor the winter moments, and let the warmth of well-being envelop you throughout the season.

Start the New Year by getting organized

As we all know, the start of a new year is a great time to get organized and declutter our lives. It’s a chance to get rid of the old and make room for the new (both literally and figuratively). If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of getting organized, you aren’t alone – we’ve all been there. But don’t worry, because we’re here to help you get started with some simple, easy ways to organize five common areas in your home:

Tupperware mess

‘Tupperware’ Cupboard

If you’re anything like us, your food storage container cabinet is probably a disaster. It’s almost like a black hole. Things go in together but somehow either a lid or a container mysteriously vanishes. Good organization can stop this phenomenon.

  • First things first, get rid of any containers that are broken or have missing lids. These are just taking up space and causing clutter.
  • Sort through the rest of your containers and lids, and try to match up as many as possible. If you can’t find a matching lid, it’s time to say goodbye to that container.
  • As you’re sorting, consider getting rid of any containers that you no longer use or that are too small or too big for your needs.
  • Once you’ve got everything sorted, consider investing in some organizing tools to help keep everything in its place. There are lots of options out there, like stackable Tupperware organizers or drawer organizers that can help you keep lids and containers separated.

junk drawer

Junk Drawer

We all have one – that infamous “junk drawer” that seems to accumulate everything and anything. But it doesn’t have to stay that way! Here’s how to tackle your junk drawer:

  • Start by emptying out the entire drawer. This can be a bit overwhelming, but trust us, it’s worth it.
  • Sort through everything in the drawer and decide what you want to keep and what can be tossed. Be ruthless here – if you haven’t used it in the past year, chances are you won’t use it again.
  • Once you’ve got everything sorted, think about adding dividers or small bins to keep things in their place. They can really help in keeping things from getting cluttered again.


Bathroom Cabinets

Bathroom cabinets can get messy quickly with all of the various products we use on a daily basis, especially if you have several people using the same bathroom.

  • Start by taking everything out of the cabinet and sorting through it. Get rid of any products that are empty, expired, or that you no longer use. If you have old medication NEVER just throw it in the trash or flush it. Check with your local pharmacy or police department to find out if they have a medication disposal program.
  • Use small containers or bins to help keep similar items together. For example, you could have one container for makeup, one for hair products, and one for skincare products.
  • If you have a lot of products, consider using stackable organizers or bins to help make the most of your space.



A cluttered pantry can be a recipe for disaster (pun intended). It’s hard to find what you need when everything is jumbled together, and it can lead to wasted food and money. Here’s how to get your pantry organized:

  • Start by taking everything out of the pantry and sorting through it. Get rid of any expired or spoiled items, and consider donating any non- Once you’ve gotten rid of expired and unnecessary items, start organizing the items you’re keeping. Group similar items together (e.g. all of your canned goods, all of your dry goods, etc.) and consider using storage containers or bins to help keep everything in its place.
  • If you have a lot of bags of chips, cereal, or other similar items, consider using small bins or containers to keep them organized and prevent them from getting crushed.
  • Consider using stackable organizers or bins to help make the most of your space, especially if you have a smaller pantry.
  • Use clear storage containers or bins to make it easy to see what you have and to help prevent wasted food.

Consider labeling your bins or containers to make it even easier to find what you’re looking for.



If your closet is cluttered and disorganized, it can be hard to find what you need and can make getting dressed in the morning a frustrating experience. Here’s how to get your closet in order:

  • Start by taking everything out of the closet and sorting through it. Donate or toss any items that you no longer wear or that are in poor condition.
  • As you’re sorting, group similar items together (e.g. all of your tops, all of your pants, etc.). This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
  • If you have a lot of clothes, consider investing in some organizing tools like hangers with multiple layers or hanging organizers to help make the most of your space.
  • Consider using storage bins or baskets to store items that you don’t use as frequently, such as seasonal clothing or extra bed linens.

This doesn’t all have to happen in one day. Take it slow, do a one thing at a time, and focus on the task at hand. Remember, the end result will be super gratifying! Happy organizing!


Remember to Relax – 7 tried and true ways to clear your mind

As things begin to return to what we know as normal life, the hustle and bustle of our everyday routines have worked their way back into our schedules. Coming off almost 2 years of ‘not as busy as usual’ may seem a little different right now but it won’t be long until busy-busy is just old hat again.


As your life returns to its pre-pandemic ways, you will need to remember that you still need “you” time to relax. You don’t want to forget this important part of maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. Here are 7 simple ideas that don’t cost anything that you can incorporate into everyday life to make sure you get in that critical relaxation time you need.

Nap (1)

Nap. Sleep is an essential part of rebooting your entire system. A short nap in your favorite pajamas can do wonders for your state of mind and is second-to-none when it comes to the ultimate relaxation technique.


Use aromatherapy. Lavender, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Ylang-Ylang, and lemongrass are all very popular aromatherapy scents used to enhance your relaxation techniques. These scents activate certain sensory triggers that put you at ease and make your mind relax.

Bath (1)

Take a bath. There is nothing better than a good soak in the tub to wash away the day’s commotion. Add relaxing essential oils to your bath water and turn on some soft music to really enhance your soak. Even 30 minutes of you-time in the soothing water can make all the difference in the world.

Book (1)

Read a book. Want to get away from it all for a little while? Put your nose in a good book and put your mind somewhere else.


Meditate. You may already incorporate meditation into your daily routine, and if so you know how well it works. If meditation is new to you, we recommend doing some research online and picking the technique that best fits your needs. It’s an incredible way to relax and it amazing way to calm your mind.


Spend time with a pet. Studies show that spending time with a pet is one of the most relaxing things you can do. It’s also a win-win because you are getting quality relaxation time and your pet is getting some extra love from their favorite human!


Have a hot beverage. Even 15 minutes alone with a cup of warm herbal tea is better than nothing at all. If you want to try something a little different, add some raw honey to hot water with a slice of lemon and drink it just like that. This concoction is relaxing, has amazing immunity benefits, and taste delicious

You may have your own way of relaxing but we encourage you to mix it up a bit and try different things. When you look forward to something, you’re more likely to actually do it.


10 Things to do on Sunday if you don’t like Football

The big game happens this Sunday and millions of people plan to huddle around their TVs to watch the team from Cincinnati play the team from Los Angeles for the championship. There will be food, cocktails, and lots of yelling and screaming at homes and bars all over the country. There will also be some pretty memorable commercials that are sure to be a topic of discussion for days to come. But what if you’re not a football fan?
If you’re not interested in watching the big game it doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do. We’ve got some ideas on how you can spend your time during the big game while everyone else is getting in their final football fix for the year.

Empty Store

Go shopping. If you don’t like crowds, this Sunday is the perfect day to go do some shopping. The stores will be all but empty and you will have the place almost to yourself. This allows you to browse and spend quality time doing some retail therapy.

Dinner 2

Go out for your Valentine’s dinner. The rest of the weekend, and Monday, will probably be pretty crowded for restaurants. But normally fancy restaurants are not crowded like sports bars for the big game so you can have an intimate, romantic, and crowd-free dinner while spending quality time with your sweetie.

lazyone greymooseflapmodels

Have a pajama party. If you have other friends and family members that are like-minded and couldn’t care less about the big game, why not invite them over for your own celebration? Have a movie night where everyone wears their pajamas, snacks on great food, and enjoys the evening catching up and having fun.


Hit the gym. Another place that’s probably not going to be very crowded for the big game is your local gym. Get an extra long workout in without having to worry about waiting for machines.


Finish a book. You know that book that’s been sitting there that you’ve been meaning to finish? This is the perfect opportunity to do that.

File Taxes

File your taxes. Or if you’re not filing them right away, you can get everything ready so when April 18th rolls around you’re organized and ready to go.


Watch the puppy bowl. OK so this is kind of football, but it’s with puppies! Who can resist the furry faces of those adorable pups trying to cross the goal line? Since it’s before the big game, you can watch it AND then get something else in as well.

Ride Bike

Spend some time outside. If the weather is good where you live, take a walk or a bike ride and enjoy the great outdoors. The exercise, fresh air, and vitamin D will give you a beneficial health boost that most of us need this time of year.

Game food

Cook game food. You can’t turn on your computer or the TV without finding some amazing recipe recommendations for Sunday entertaining but just because you’re not watching, doesn’t mean you can’t eat. Try some of these delicious recipes and share them with other people who also won’t be watching.


Catch up on your sleep. There’s no better time to put on your cozy pajamas, climb in bed and get some extra hours of shut-eye. While the rest of the country is eating and drinking themselves silly you’ll be doing something healthy by giving your body some rest.

There are plenty of other things you can do besides watch football this Sunday, but we hope these ideas get you off on the right foot. When Monday morning rolls around, while everybody else is trying to function after a long night, you’ll be fresh as a daisy and ready to tackle the week!

Seven Romantic Movies for your Valentine’s Day Watch List

Love is in the air and Valentine’s Day is just a couple weeks away which means crowded restaurants, over-priced food, and fattening chocolates. For us, there’s no better way to enjoy the loveliest day of the year than in pajamas, snuggled up to loved ones, and watching a movie. Better yet – a romantic movie.

When it comes to romance flicks there are countless options. This genre has movies that will make you laugh, cry, and everything in between. Today we’re sharing some of our favorites that you may want to add to your watch list as well. So, grab the chocolate-covered strawberries, a cozy blanket, a glass of champagne, and cuddle up.

Definetly maybe

Definitely; Maybe (2008).  Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds), is living in NYC and has just been served with divorce papers when his 10 year old daughter asks him about his younger days and how he met and fell in love with her mother. Will tells his story beginning in 1992 and recounts his relationships with three women, but with a twist.  He changes the names of the 3 women so that his daughter must guess which one became his wife and her mother.

Happened one night

It Happened One Night (1934). Spoiled heiress Ellie (Claudette Colbert) impulsively marries a shady man who is only interested in her money. This leads her wealthy father to take her away on his yacht but Ellie jumps ship in Florida and hops a bus to New York so she can be reunited with her husband. On the bus ride she meets a recently unemployed reporter Peter (Clark Gable), who gives her an ultimatum; he will call her father and tell him where she is, or he can help her reunite with her new husband in exchange for an exclusive story. When she chooses the latter, their adventure begins.

Harry met Sally

When Harry Met Sally (1989). In 1977, two college graduates Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) share a tension-filled car ride to New York from Chicago. They spend the journey bickering about if men and women can be just friends. They arrive at their destination and part ways. Five years later, they run into each other at the airport and they argue the same topic again.  Another five years after that, when they run into each other at a book store, newly divorced Harry seems different. He and Sally get to talking and they agree to try and have a platonic relationship. And they do for a while…

50 first dates

50 First Dates (2004). Henry (Adam Sandler)  a Marine Vetranarian working in Hawaii, meets Lucy (Drew Barrymore) in a local café. When he makes an attempt to flirt with her, he’s shot down only to learn that she was in a terrible car accident causing short-term memory loss. To win her over he has to battle protective family and friends, plus get to know her enough to woo her into falling for him.

Valley Girl

Valley Girl (1983 & 2020). Both movies tell the story of Julie and Randy, two young teenagers from different sides of the track. The 1983 version tells the original story while the 2020 film is a reflection as a mother tells her daughter the story. Both are set to awesome 80’s music and the fashions will take you back in time!

Sound of Music

The Sound of Music (1965). In 1930’s Austria, Maria (Julie Andrews) is not living up to expectations as she tries to become a nun.  She instead takes a job as a governess working for widowed Navy Captain Georg Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer) taking care of his seven trouble-making children. Maria is initially met with hostility from the children, but eventually wins them- and the captain over. During this time however, Austria is about to come under the control of Nazi Germany and the Captain may soon find himself drafted into the German Navy and forced to fight against his own country.

Hope Floats

Hope Floats (1998). Birdee (Sandra Bullock) has just been publically humiliated on live television by her best friend, Connie (Rosanna Arquette), who’s been sleeping with Birdee’s husband, Bill (Michael Paré). Birdee makes the decision to move back home with her daughter Bernice, to the small Texas town she grew up in. Once she arrives she comes face-to-face with her past as well as old acquaintances who are thrilled to see Birdee unhappy — except for her first boyfriend Justin (Harry Connick Jr.). As Birdee gets back on her feet, their relationship begins to grow.

There you have our short-list. There are 1000’s of romance-filled movies you can choose from for your Valentine’s Day snuggle session so get some PJ’s on, get comfy on the couch, and press play!


So you have leftover fruitcake… Now what?

There are two types of people. Those that love fruitcake, and those that don’t. If you happen to be in the 2nd group, but find yourself the recipient of a fruitcake gift this holiday season, your first instinct may be to re-gift it.

But what if you can’t think of a single person who may actually like the stuff? You don’t want to be wasteful and toss it, so what should you do with it? Believe it or not, there are ways to make fruitcake absolutely delicious. Here are four recipes you’ve just got to try that will give you a whole new opinion of Christmas fruitcake.

Fruitcake Bread Pudding

Fruitcake Bread Pudding – This is our very own recipe that turns what can be a dry cake into a moist delicious dessert. The recipe is super simple and you probably have all the ingredients on hand. You’ll need:

1 fruit cake

3 cups milk

1/2 cup sugar

3 eggs

1 Tbsp Vanilla

Rum Sauce

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup butter

2 Tbsp whipping cream

4 tablespoons dark rum

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Tear or cut fruitcake into bite-sized pieces and put in baking dish. Whisk sugar and eggs together then add milk and vanilla. Pour this mixture over fruitcake pieces and let soak for at least 30 minutes. Then bake for 30 minutes.

While pudding is cooking, heat all sauce ingredients in a pan over medium heat at a simmer stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved. About 15 minutes. Pour over warm bread pudding.

Fruitcake French Toast

Fruitcake French Toast – A great twist on this favorite breakfast food has a tasty recipe that’s sure to put a smile on your family’s face. If you want to use up other holiday ingredients, substitute ½ cup of eggnog for 2 of the eggs and the heavy cream.

Fruitcake Icecream

Fruitcake Ice Cream – So, so easy! Just chunk up leftover fruitcake and mix it into store-bought vanilla ice cream with some roasted blanched almonds. Another option is to mix the chunked-up cake into butter pecan ice cream. If shakes are your thing, give it whirl in the blender with a splash of milk!

Fruitcake Pops

Fruitcake Pops – Even the kids will love these and you can let them help you decorate them! All you need is 2 cups crumbled fruitcake and 7 ounces bittersweet chocolate, cut into bits. Grind the fruitcake in a food processor until it forms a ball then using damp hands form your cake balls. Let the cake balls rest on waxed paper for 30 minutes and then put them on sticks. Melt your chocolate in the microwave stirring often until smooth and once completely melted; carefully dip the cake balls in the chocolate. Use Styrofoam or foil tightly wrapped over a deep pan to keep the pops upright until the chocolate hardens. Then decorate any way you wish!

There are many other ways to use that fruitcake besides these recipes that will make it delicious. Try using it in a trifle or mix it with yogurt and make a parfait. The possibilities are endless if you just get a little creative. We’d love to hear your ideas! Share them here or over on our Facebook page!


Embrace the holiday spirit with a family pajama day

The spirit of Christmas is much more than presents and shopping. This is the time of year where we celebrate love and we spend time with the people that mean the most to us.

There’s nothing more important than family and setting aside special time to be with one another is one of the best ways to build your family bond. One way you can all be together is by having a family pajama day at home doing all the things that you love. We’ve got some ideas for things that you and your family can add to your favorite holiday activities to get into the spirit and celebrate Christmas together.


Eat breakfast all day. What goes better with pajamas than breakfast? Make the whole day about eating breakfast foods because there’s nothing wrong with having omelets for lunch or French toast for dinner. Let the whole family participate in the cooking so you’re all spending quality time together prepping and eating your delicious creations.

bigfeet jumpsuitredlife2

Pick out new pajamas for the holidays. Hop online and browse new pajamas that you all want to wear for opening presents on Christmas morning. Individual choices based on taste are great but think matching family pajamas too! They are always a big hit, and your family will have outfits for a perfect photo.

hatley wildaboutxmasunion1

Have a fashion show. If you have lots of sets of pajamas why not swap them out over the course of the day. Each time you change, do a little runway show modeling your new look. Accessorize with festive socks, robes, and blankets too!


Decorate holiday cookies. You can bake the cookies ahead of time, and then set up a decorating station with a variety of colored icings, sprinkles, toppings, and more. Consider baking and decorating more than your family will eat so you can give them to neighbors and friends as tasty gifts.


Build a fort. A lazy pajama day almost always involves hiding out in your own homemade fort. You can use a tent, sheets, blankets, or anything else that you have around the house to build a cool little shelter. Decorate it with twinkle lights to really give it a holiday feel.

Child Sleep

Teach the benefits of sleep. Kids should know how important sleep is to their development and sneaking in a little lesson during your pajama day is a great way to reiterate it as well as explain why they need to stay on their sleep schedule even during the holiday break.

Holiday Movies

Watch holiday movies. With so many titles to choose from you can absolutely make a full day of watching movies. Pop some corn, heat up some cocoa, and let the fun begin.



Don’t forget to include your pets. They make pajamas for your pets! Don’t let Fido be left out of the family fun.

We hope your holiday family pajama day will be full of memories! Feel free to share your pictures on our Facebook page and tell us all about what you did on your special day!

Delight Your Sweet Tooth: 8 Holiday Cookie Recipes You Should Bake Right Now!

One of the best parts of the holiday season is all the wonderful sweet treats that we get to indulge in! It’s that time of the year where we fire up the ovens and start baking all kinds of delicious cookies. Holiday cookie making is a tradition that many of us do every year. They make for thoughtful gifts, beautiful platters for your holiday get-togethers, and of course tasty snacks for everyone in the household to devour. Plus, who doesn’t love to have their home filled with the smell of cookies baking?

PJs Gingerbread

There’s nothing like putting on your favorite pajamas, brewing up a hot cup of cocoa or tea, and satisfying your sweet tooth. Whether you lean more towards the traditional varieties of cookies or like to experiment with new recipes, we’ve put together some musts  you’ve got to put on your holiday baking list!

Eggnog Cookies SWP

  1. Eggnog Cookies from Spend with Pennies

A favorite holiday beverage in a chewy cookie is exactly what we crave. There’s eggnog in both the cookie and the icing! The great part about this cookie is the ability to finish them off by sprinkling a variety of different toppings over the creamy icing. You can find the recipe here at Spend with Pennies.

Raspberry Linzer

  1. Raspberry Linzer Cookies from My Recipes

What’s not to love about crispy almond cookies filled with sweet raspberry preserves? Dust with a little powdered sugar for the “snowy” vibe and you have a traditional holiday cookie that everyone will love. This recipe from My Recipes is just like grammas.

Peppermint Patty Cookies -Delish

  1. Peppermint Pattie-Stuffed Chocolate Cookies from

This is a super easy 6 ingredient cookie that blends 2 of our favorite flavors chocolate and mint. This chewy cookie with a surprise inside is a perfect addition to your holiday cookie platter. Here’s the recipe from the folks over at

Pecan Crescent

  1. Pecan Crescent Butter Cookies from The Spruce Eats

No holiday is complete without these crescent moon, melt in your mouth pecan cookies. They are a very versatile treat that pair well with coffee, tea, or just by themselves. We love them as that little “something sweet” after a wonderful meal. Try this recipe with options for substitutions from The Spruce Eats.


  1. Melted Snowman Cookies from

A fun cookie to make that the kids will just love. You start with a basic sugar cookie that you can make from scratch, a mix, or refrigerated dough and decorate from there. It’s a cute alternative to the standard cut-out sugar cookie. My Imperfect Kitchen has a great recipe with step-by-step pictures to guide you through the process.

Cherry CC

  1. Maraschino Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies from

If the thought of chocolate and cherries has your mouth-watering you’re not alone. These are a Pinterest favorite and the recipe from has amazing pictures that will have you writing ‘cherries’ on your grocery list immediately.


  1. Gluten-Free Pistachio Truffle Cookies from Epicurious

This sweet and salty cookie is a great way to get your sugar fix without straying from your gluten-free diet. They take a little more effort than some other recipes but the end result is a cookie you’ll want to make well beyond the holiday season. Epicurious has a detailed recipe that walks you through the process.


  1. Gingerbread Men (or women, or whatever) from Taste of Home

No holiday season is complete without the traditional gingerbread cookie. Traditionally, the most popular shape is happy little guys complete with buttons and a big smile. Nowadays, any shape you desire will complete your holiday cookie display. We found one of the best recipes over at Taste of Home.

If you have a favorite recipe we’d love to have you share it with us. Post it here or on our Facebook page.


Happy Baking!

Don’t Let Winter Doldrums get you down

It’s been a long winter. The cold weather, short days and gray skies can leave you feeling blue. February is usually the month where SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) peaks for many people. The holidays are over and although spring is just around the corner, it seems sometimes as if brighter days will never arrive.

It’s time to snap out of it and lift your spirits. We’ve got 7 tips to help you stay sunny during the winter doldrums.

It’s been a long winter. The cold weather, short days and gray skies can leave you feeling blue. February is usually the month where SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) peaks for many people. The holidays are over and although spring is just around the corner, it seems sometimes as if brighter days will never arrive. It’s time to snap out of it and lift your spirits. We’ve got 7 tips to help you stay sunny during the winter doldrums.people-2568410_640

  1. Stay Active. It has been scientifically proven that exercise reduces the symptoms of depression by increasing the endorphins that generate positive feelings. Whenever possible plan your physical activity for the morning. It has been shown that morning exercisers, burn more calories throughout the day, report better sleep, and have lower blood pressure. You’ll also love the way you look once you finally can put those warm-weather clothes on!
  2. Get your D. Also known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’, studies have shown that most people need to increase their intake by up to 500% in the winter months. Vitamin D is not only critical for essential body health but researchers have also found that it improves mood.

emerson somedaysmodel daisyphotoshoot daisyclassic63. Show your bright side. It has been shown that the more down in the dumps we are, the less able we are to distinguish colors. Gloomy gray skies and long nights don’t help. When you add color to your wardrobe such as red, orange, yellow, and chartreuse your mood will actually improve. You could also give a room in your house a makeover with a splash of color by painting the walls or accessorizing with bright cheery décor. This gives you a happy place to spend your inside time.

4. Eat light. During cold, dark months our bodies instinctively crave carbohydrates and “comfort foods”. Not only is this type of diet unhealthy but it also provides a false sense of happiness. These simple carbs will give you a short-lived energy boost and feeling of satisfaction but it’s only a matter of time before it all wears off and your left feeling worse than you did before. Instead choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins which are mood-boosting foods. Your waistline will thank you too!

5. Put your toes in the sand. While taking a vacation is not possible for everyone if you have the means and the time off we highly recommend a warm beach getaway if even for a few days. The time off, the energy from the sun (use sunscreen), and the relaxation it an instant moor booster. If taking off to a tropical paradise isn’t in the cards, consider spending the weekend at a water park or spa. Any getaway can turn that frown

6. Smell Citrus. Yep – you read that right. If you’re feeling blue or lack energy, cut an orange or lemon or light a citrus candle and take in the scent. A study published in the Journal NeuroImmunoModulation found that when patients suffering from depression were exposed to citrus smells their moods were lifted. The smells likely stimulated sensory systems which provided a much-needed boost of


7. Bring in spring. One of the best parts of spring is when everything starts to bloom. A sure fire way to bring your out of your funk is to surround yourself with fresh flowers. Nowadays you can buy reasonably priced, beautiful bouquets at most grocery stores so pick a few up and place them around your home where everyone can enjoy them. It’s one of our favorite things to do! We can’t make spring come any quicker but we hope these tips will help you get through the next few weeks until Mother Nature decides to send Jack Frost away until next year.

If you have go-to remedies for the winter blues, we’d love to hear them. Post them in the comments or head over to our Facebook page and share them there!

A Matching Family Pajama Day? Yes Please.

Many people find that they suffer from some sort of post-holiday blues after the excitement and fun of the season ends. The decorations have been put away for another year, its cold outside, and the days are still way too short. You know you need to snap out of it, but how?

Solution: A matching family pajama day!

Bear Essentials FlapJack

We’re sure you’ve heard of this hot trend where the whole family (even pets) wears matching family pajamas, and if you have jumped on the bandwagon already you know what all the hoo-ha is all about. It’s just plain fun and can really bring a family together. Even better you are cozy and comfy while creating lasting family memories.

We’ve got some great ideas for making the most of your family pajama day so take note and make some plans to try this yourself!

Big Feet Family Footies

Karaoke Party

One of the hottest gifts this holiday season was the Karaoke machine. If you have a newly acquired singing device you have hours of fun right in your own home. Even if you don’t have one – no worries. There are several apps that like Smule or SingSnap that provide access to thousands of songs and can be downloaded for little or no cost. Then, gather together and sing your hearts out. You’ll have a great time and who knows – you may even find you have the next great singing star right under your own roof!

Set up Camp

Just because it’s cold outside, doesn’t mean you can’t go camping. You just have to improvise. First, clear a space in your home and either pitch a tent or create a makeshift tent with blankets. Then bring on the camping fun. If you haven’t already, put on your matching family pajamas and roast hotdogs (and marshmallows for S’mores) in the fireplace or over the stove, tell scary ghost stories, and play campfire games like charades. An awesome added touch is adding ‘stars’ to your campground. Hang some twinkle lights from the ceiling or drape them over the tent and let your imagination take over!

Bear Bum Matching

Photo Op

Matching family pajama day is the perfect time to get some great group photos that are totally Instagram worthy! You can pose in so many different ways and really let the goofiness come out. The fun can be two-fold as you might just take the picture for your holiday card this year!

Game Day

With technology taking over our lives, we often forget about days-gone-by and family game time. Why not resurrect the past and bring out those old board games or create makeshift games of your own like Pictionary. You’ll bond with the brood and taking time away from your phones and computers can be an invigorating experience.

Get Crafty

You can spend the whole day in your matching family pajamas having a craft day. If you need inspiration, there are lots of holidays coming up that you can make decorations for like Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Another great theme to lift you out of the winter doldrums is spring! Make crafty flowers, butterflies, baby animals, and more. A quick Pinterest search will yield tons of ideas!

Now that we’ve got your wheels spinning, you’ll probably have some other great ideas of your own. The most important thing is that you are all together as a family and enjoying one another’s company.

We’d love to see how you all look in your family pajamas. Feel free to post your pictures here or on our Facebook page. We can’t wait to see you!