1. White footies and a gold crown makes you Max from Where The Wild Things Are.
2. Put on your purple footies and cover yourself in purple balloons and you’re a Bunch of Grapes.
3. Dress up as someone with Bed Head who overslept by wearing Pajamas, slippers, a robe, tease your hair or put in curlers and carry a coffee cup.
4. Wear our “Dog Person” nightshirt and carry a basket of stuffed dogs on leashes, dog toys and you’re a Dog Walker
5. Tape googly eyes and a round orange nose to a red knit hat, pair with red footies and you’re Elmo.
6. Make a crown of paper petals, pair with green footies and you’re a Flower.
7. Add a tail and ears to your leopard print pajamas and you’re a Leopard.
8. Put on our Red Bear Bottom FlapJack, add glasses, a cane, grey or white hair and you’re Great Grandpa
9. Put on flannel pajamas and glasses, carry a laptop and you’re a Blogger.
10. For the truly lazy … put a picture of yourself on your Tee Shirt or Hoody and wear this with your favorite pj pants and you’re a Facebook Profile.