Every now and then, we all need a Pajama Day. A Pajama Day is a day just for you – to stay home and be comfortable and cozy in your pjs. It’s all about slowing down and doing nothing. No agendas, no work, pure relaxation. It’s a day to read a book, sip some tea, or maybe watch your favorite movie. Just be.
So many of us get caught up in the rat race of life, that we don’t consciously realize when it’s time for a rest. If you are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, feeling irritable, or experiencing a lot of stress – it’s time for you to take a Pajama Day! If you’ve just delivered a big project or met a deadline at work or school, chances are you are in need of some down time.
One of the keys to truly enjoying your Pajama Day is to acknowledge that it’s ok to take it! We often don’t understand that we deserve a break. We actually feel guilty about taking some rejuvenating time just for ourselves. We feel like we need to constantly be striving and working and hustling and doing. Let’s face it – it’s our culture. But we are here to tell you that you are allowed to have a day off to do nothing once in a while!
The truth is that taking a breather now and again will serve you and help you to avoid burning out. You will return to “regular” life refreshed and with more energy. Chances are you’ll be even more productive than you would have been if you hadn’t taken some time off. You’ll feel better and reduce your chances of getting sick.
Here are some tips to make sure you have a truly relaxing Pajama Day:
1. If you have to call in sick or take a personal day, do what you need to ensure that you’re off the clock!
2. Don’t forget to turn off the cell phone. Click on your “out of office” responder email and unplug.
3. Since you’re off all day and not cooking, tell your family to bring home food for dinner.
4. Make sure you have some yummy snacks on hand. Chocolate is really important here!
5. A good novel and your favorite magazines are essential.
6. And of course, don’t get dressed. Stay in your most loved, cozy PJs!
…Oh, and be sure not to make the bed – you’ll need it for napping!
We want to know — what are your tips for a relaxing day off? Tell us in the comments below!
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