Falling asleep after a long day can sometimes be a challenge. Especially if you’re feeling charged up and stressed out and have a lot on your mind.
We’ve gathered some tips for shaking off the day and getting to sleep faster. You might even consider doing one or more of these things regularly and build a night time ritual. Doing these things regularly can act as a cue to your body that it’s time to slow down and relax, making it even easier to drift off.
1. Take a bath or hot shower.
I won’t go into the science, but basically raising your body temp helps you get to sleep faster. Use lavender or some other aromatherapy for even better results. There’s something very soothing about getting into warm PJs after a nice hot bath!
2. Enjoy a cup of herbal tea.
Sitting and sipping a cup of hot herbal tea is a great way to relax into sleep mode. Yogi Honey Lavender Stress Relief is my favorite soothing tea with lavender, mint, and chamomile. Make this into your nightly thing and you’re likely to look forward to it each night!
3. Be sure your room is dark enough.
If there’s any kind of light around you, it will definitely be harder to fall asleep. If it’s a street light or even a bight moon, you might invest in black out shades or curtains. Or consider using a mask like this one.
4. Read to relax.
If your mind is racing and you can’t stop obsessing over the events of the day, reading before bed is a surefire way to distract yourself. Sometimes if you’re in the middle of a really good book, reading it before bed might be a little too stimulating. If that’s the case, pick up something less exciting – maybe a magazine article – and lull yourself to la la land…
5. Release your thoughts.
Depending on what’s going on in your life, you may need to release some of your thoughts and ideas in order to clear your head and get to sleep. Use a journal to work out what’s occupying your mind for a few minutes before bed, and you’re bound to find it easier to relax.
If you are not so into writing, you may want to get a set of Guatemalan worry dolls. Tell your concerns to these tiny dolls, and place them under your pillow. The legend is that the dolls take on your worries and allow you to rest peacefully. Try it out!
6. Visualize your happy place.
Picture a relaxing and serene place. Think about what is most soothing about that place. Maybe the sound of the waves crashing in shore. The feel of cool grass beneath your feet. The warm sun or gentle breeze on your face. Imagine yourself there, feel the sensations, and let any tension melt away.
7. Check your comfort level.
If you toss and turn before sleep, give it some thought. Are your pajamas and bedding truly comfortable? When you get into bed are you able to easily find a comfy sleeping position? If not, you may need to switch out your PJs or your pillow or blanket. Check out this article for more information on when to replace you
Listening to a favorable radio talk show, or discussion, or soft music will rock me to sleep.