Tag Archives: national napping day

Observe National Napping Day and begin a new routine

Every year national napping day is observed on the Sunday that we Spring forward which this year is March 13th. Not only does this day encourage you to nap so that the time change doesn’t affect you too much, it also reminds us that napping is a critical part of keeping our bodies and our minds where they need to be. We have internal clocks that get set on a routine so something as minimal as an hour difference can cause chaos all around. This is especially true for animals and children.
Much needed rest makes you feel good, improves your mood, and gives you energy. After napping you will notice you just feel better and this is backed by numerous studies that show a short nap is extremely effective for midday fatigue. You’ll be more alert, productive, and happy.
So how do you get the most out of a nap? Here are some ideas and tips that will turn you into a napping expert.


Nap early enough in the day. Because you don’t want to interrupt your natural sleep cycle, getting your nap in early enough in the day will keep you on track. Researchers note that between 1-3pm is the ideal time to catch a few Zzzzz’s.

Dark Room

Have a good napping environment. To get the most out of a nap you have to have the right place to do it. A dark room where there is a minimum amount of noise is ideal. The whole point of the nap is to actually get some rest, so if you have a lot going on around you, trying to get some rest on the couch may not work out very well.

30 Minutes

Keep your nap short.  Studies have shown that a 20-30 minute nap is the sweet spot to get that reboot. If you sleep too long you are more likely to feel tired when you wake up.

Be comfortable. If you can, change into your pajamas or comfy clothes before you lay your head down. If you are tight or uncomfortable clothing can inhibit your ability to nap properly. Make comfort a priority.
Family Nap

Get the whole family in on it. If possible get the whole family to nap at the same time. It creates a quiet environment, gets everyone some much needed rest, and makes for a happier bunch for the rest of the day.


Try a caffeine nap. Caffeine takes about 20 minutes to do its thing and that’s almost exactly the amount of time that is recommended for afternoon naps. If you drink your coffee or latte before laying down for your nap, it should kick in right about the time you’re waking up to take on the 2nd half of the day.

Clear your head. For most people, the biggest problem with napping is that you’re thinking too much. If you have a lot on your mind, try putting those things aside if even for a short time while you nap. You’re basically giving your brain a break and relieving stress.

Routine (1)

Practice, practice, practice. Many people just can’t get into nap mode. When you finally realize how important it is to work this critical rest in, you’ll understand the benefits. Just like you train yourself to go to the gym or manage a daily routine, you can do the same thing by getting your brain and body into a habit.


Maintain a normal night sleep routine. Just because you’re napping in the afternoon, don’t think that you can get less sleep at night. 8 hours per night is the recommended time for adults and having a schedule for going to bed and waking up keeps you on track. Look at the afternoon nap as a charge your body needs to be at its best.

Napping is a bit of an art but once you get it down you’ll be ever so thankful that you did. Your body, mind, and loved ones will thank you!