Category Archives: Family Pajamas

At Home Spring Activities for the Whole Family

With the weather getting warmer and spring knocking on the back door, it’s time to brush off the winter dust and embrace spring. With what’s currently going on with the Corona Virus, some people are a little nervous about doing things that involve large groups of people, but still want to take in the warmer weather and embrace spring. We’ve got some great ideas on just how to do that without straying too far from home.

blog animals-avian-beaks-birdhouse-1156507Watch the Birds. During March and April, the bird migration season is in full swing. Hundreds of species that spend their winters in warm climates make their annual trips north to breed and spend their summers. They will be hungry from their long flights, so a great way to see a wide array of feathered friends is to set up bird feeding stations. Orioles, Hummingbirds, and songbirds all like different food, so make sure you have enough for everybody. Here is a great resource to learn about different feeding options and how to attract birds to your backyard. You might want to pick up a birders guide as well. The whole family can help identify your visitors and learn a lot along the way.

young-tomato-5808Plan a Garden. Nothing is better than veggies straight from the garden. Not only do they taste so much better than store-bought produce, but the satisfaction from planting, maintaining, and reaping the fruits of your labor are second to none. Sit down with the family and decide what you want to plant and who will be responsible for the various tasks like weeding and watering as the garden evolves. You can get your space ready and start seeds now so that when the weather is warm enough, you are ready to get planting. This website offers hundreds of tips and pointers for starting, planting and caring for your garden.

SM BearCheeks_IGDo Some Spring Cleaning. When the whole family gets involved, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. You can even do it in your pajamas! Turn on some fun music, assign everyone a task, and go to town. There’s a great chance that you’ll unearth some forgotten treasures and memories in the process. You can also teach kids lessons about giving back to others. Share with them that there are a lot of people who don’t have as much as they do, and how wonderful it can be to donate unused and unwanted items to people who can use them. Have fun with it, teach life lessons, and get organized all at the same time!

family-1454783_640Take a Walk. Ok, so technically this isn’t an ‘at home’ activity but there are likely places in, and around, your neighborhood where you don’t have to deal with crowds but can still get outside, enjoy the weather, get some exercise, and take in nature. Do an internet search for local hiking or walking trails, or large parks where you can be out in the open and enjoy the great outdoors without the crowds.

paint-1167786_640Create Outdoor Art. Brighten your outdoor living space with décor created by your family. There is so much you can do like painting rocks, making patio pavers, and creating flower planters. Look on Pinterest. You’ll find ideas that you never even thought of. And once you’re done, you’ll have one-of-a-kind outdoor artwork for the whole neighborhood to envy!

We’re confident that leaders will be able to control and eliminate the current health scare our country is facing. The most important thing to remember is to practice good hygiene and make wise decisions. If staying home to be safe is one of the things you choose to do, at least these ideas will help make it much more fun. Happy Spring!