Category Archives: Pajama Day

7 Favorite Feel Good Movies


feel good movies done

It’s the middle of winter, and sometimes don’t you just want to settle into your jammies and fuzzy blanket and watch something uplifting? Whether it’s a tried and true movie you’ve seen a million times or a new discovery, there’s just something about a happy movie that has the power to put a smile on your face and leave you with that heart-warmed feeling.

We love movies that make us feel good, and in that spirit, we’re sharing some of our very favorites with you!


This is a great story about a chef (played by Jon Favreau) who looses his job in a restaurant and decides to start up his own food truck, and bonds with his son along the way.  Super cast and a totally charming movie. (On Netflix)

Notting Hill

You’ve probably seen it more than once, but Notting Hill is one of those movies to watch again and again. A British romantic comedy about a bookseller (Hugh Grant) who falls in love with a famous American actress (Julia Roberts). Funny and sweet. (On Netflix)

Hector and the Search for Happiness

A charming story about Hector, a psychiatrist who sets out on a journey to find out what really makes people happy. Lighthearted and fun, and will make you think!  Watch the trailer here. (On Netflix)

You’ve Got Mail

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan totally make this movie, which takes place back in the AOL days. We love Meg Ryan’s adorable pajama scenes, and of course, can’t beat the happy ending.

Something’s Gotta Give

Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Amanda Peet? Plus, scenes from a gorgeous East Hampton beach house and Paris. Need we say more? This love story will make you laugh, and you’ll love the sweet ending.

Legally Blonde

Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon, breaks up with her boyfriend and decides to follow him to law school and get him back. Yes, totally silly, but equally charming. (On Netflix)

The American President

If you’re a fan of the West Wing, you’ll appreciate this movie. Michael Douglas plays a widowed American president, who falls in love with an environmental lobbyist (Annette Benning) and has to navigate dating in the White House. An all-time favorite!

What are your favorite happy movies? Share with us in the comments below!

Fall Pajama Days: Watch, Read, Eat

If you like to get cozy, this is your season, friends. We are loving the cooler air, the change in the light, and the perfect reason to put on our PJs, get cozy, and call it a Pajama Day!

What we’re watching…

Narcos on Netflix – Surprisingly addicting, Narcos tells the story of Pablo Escobar and the 1990s Colombian cocaine wars. May not sound all that inticing at first, but it’s really a fascinating story. But, be ready for violence.  Check out the trailer here.

Frasier – Sure, you’ve already seen all of the episodes of this Cheers spin-off, but so fun to watch over and over again. Who can resist Eddie, the Jack Russell?!  A Badanes family binge-watch favorite! Stream on Amazon or just go ahead and buy the complete set.

Super Soul Sunday – As Oprah says, this inspirational show is “food for the soul”.  Oprah explores happiness, spirituality, and better living with various thought leaders and authors.  Watch on OWN or stream from

We’re also looking forward to Homeland (10/4), Nashville (9/23), and a new season of House of Cards (late winter)!

What we’re reading…

Room by Emma Donoghue – Told from the perspective of 5 year old Jack, a boy who is held captive in an 11 x 11 room with his mom. Disturbing but thought-provoking.  And, soon to be turned into a movie.

The Dalai Lama’s Cat – A delightful view into Buddhism and the Dalai Lama…as seen by Snow Lion the cat.

Need a new book to get into and want a bargain? Head on over to Modern Mrs. Darcy for daily Kindle deals. You never know what you’ll find each day!

What we’re drooling over…

Homemade Pizza – Ellie, our founder is obsessed with homemade goat cheese pizza these days! She’s also loving Fresh Garden Tomatoes.  Slice them with mozzarella and smothered the plate with olive oil…yummy! Add a warm baguette with more olive oil…pure heaven!

Chili – It’s chili time, and this recipe from Martha Stewart that includes bacon does not disappoint.  (Note, you may need to spice it up a little more than what’s called for!)

Tea – Tea and our flannels…need we say more?  Check out some favorite fall teas here.

How are YOU spending your PJ time these days? Share with us in the comments below!

Photo Credit: kuddlyteddybear2004 via Compfight cc