Still Hibernating

By Ellie Badanes, The Pajama Company Editor

It’s officially Spring but here at The Pajama Company, we’re still hibernating. We have cute new Spring Pajamas in stock but with snow still lingering in CT, we’re staying cozy in flannels and snuggle socks. We want to believe Spring is nearly here, we want to buy pots of flowers for the patio and bask in the sunshine. We dream of capri pj’s with flip flops but with temperatures in the 30’s, it’s easier to just stay in and hibernate.

We know hibernation is a survival strategy. Animals hibernate as a way to conserve energy when conditions are harsh. Our pajamas make hibernating pretty easy we have to admit. With fun prints and cozy fabrics, pajamas promote hibernating, even when the sun is shining and temperatures are soaring. What better way to rejuvenate than to curl up in your favorite place with that book you’ve been meaning to finish, that gossip magazine you love or with an eye mask for some much needed shuteye. Did you know that a “Catnap” can promote creativity, improve memory and alertness? We might just hibernate another day or two.

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