By Steffi Badanes, Social Media Intern
Editor’s Note: Steffi Badanes is our newest Pajama Company intern. You will see her around this blog, Facebook, Twitter, Polyvore, Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest. As always, we asked Steffi to introduce herself to you by answering some very important Pajama Company questions.
1. Describe your favorite pajamas.
They’re a pair of blue and green argyle pajama pants that say “nerds rule” on the butt! I love David & Goliath. They always make the cutest PJs!
2. What would your perfect day look like?
I love spring/summer weather, so it would have to be at least 75 degrees out. I love wearing shorts and tank tops, so hitting the town in a cute outfit with some close buds is perfect!
3. What was the last book you read?
I’m a college student. The last book I read was a memoir about eating disorders for my writing class called Wasted by Marya Hornacher. It was tough to read at points but a really honest look at the human mind of someone with an eating disorder.
4. What song is currently stuck in your head
Love Today by Mika. It’s just such a happy and positive tune!
5. What youtube video are you watching over and over?
Space Oddity: A music video in space by Commander Chris Hadfield! I’ve always wondered what astronauts do for fun while they’re hanging out in space.
6. Winter or Summer?
Summer. Without question. I love expressing myself through my clothes. You have to cover up your cute outfits with giant puffy coats in the winter!
7. Stripes or plaid?
I’m such a stripes girl. I wear some form of stripes everyday. I own five different black and white striped shirts!