It feels like Labor Day was only yesterday and yet somehow we’ve managed to fast forward through Halloween, blast past Thanksgiving, and Christmas is just around the corner?! Begin the annual lies: “I’m going to get my Christmas shopping done early this year” and “I’ll have the gifts wrapped by the end of November…” Sound familiar?
These are the lies we tell ourselves until mid-December when we end up on an aimless 10-hour Saturday mall run, buying whatever wrapping paper is left at Rite Aid, and giving at least six people on our list Starbucks gift cards. Hey, we’ve all been there. That’s why we’ve decided to help you out with a new strategy: The ‘2-Stop Shop.’
One part Cyber Monday and one part last-minute drugstore run, this strategy is designed to personalize the bejeezus out of your Cyber Monday haul for easy, thoughtful, personalized gifts for everyone on your list.