Category Archives: Lounging in Pajamas

Vintage Pajamas

by Becky Boyd, The Pajama Company Editor

Have you ever wondered how pajamas came about?

According to Wikipedia, pajamas were first introduced back in the 17th century and were around for a brief time, and then went out of style. Around 1870 they were brought back into fashion by British colonials, and men began wearing them as sleeping attire.

From then on, pajamas stuck around and became the classic attire that they are today. Pajamas were worn for bed, lounging, daywear, and even at the beach. Pajamas come in a huge variety of styles today, and many vintage pajama styles were seen in old Hollywood movies from beautiful satin robes to classic two-piece pajama sets to silk nightgowns.

Here’s a look at some at the vintage old-Hollywood pajama style…


Sophia Loren in striped pajamas in the 1958 movie “The Key”.


Doris Day on the set of “The Pajama Game”. Image via


Ginger Rogers circa 1935 in a tailored pajama ensemble. Image via


Joan Crawford from 1929 in beautiful embroidered pajamas. Image via


Pretty flapper style pajamas. Image via

Check out our full collection of vintage pajamas through the ages on our Pinterest page!

Why Its Good to Be Lazy

“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along,

listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

-Winnie the Pooh

Have you noticed how much laziness really gets a bad rap?  As a culture, we place so much value on doing and striving and accomplishing, that resting or taking a break is looked down upon. But what about the proven benefits of slowing down?

As it turns out, laziness is not a bad thing at all and is something we all need to embrace.  Being a couch potato and allowing yourself to chill out is actually good for you!

Laziness helps you to renew your energy and motivation.

Its no secret we’re big fans of napping around here.  When you rest and sleep, you allow your brain time to rejuvenate.  You also enhance you memory function.  Letting your body rest gives you the chance to restore your energy, much like filling the gas tank of your car.

Being lazy sparks your creativity.

Lounging around allows our conscious mind to slow down, it calms our thoughts and helps to quiet the mental chatter.  Giving yourself time to daydream and veg out often actually sparks creativity.  This is because when you rest, it stops the process of over thinking – a loop that we often get caught in – which reduces our ability to come up with creative ideas.

Laziness leads to good heath.

Being stressed out is obviously bad for your health.  It takes its toll on your heart, among other things.  Resting gives your body time to repair wear and tear that’s happened during the day.  Even the oldest man in Britain gives credit to his laziness for helping him to live so long!

Laziness helps you avoid burnout.

We all have our limits and there’s only so much we can do until we need to rest or else risk burnout.  I always thought burnout just meant you got really tired.  But as I’ve experienced first hand, not only is burnout really bad because of the level of exhaustion that comes with it, but most times it also includes losing interest in what burned you out in the first place.  Yikes!  So even if you’re doing something you’re passionate about, its still important to step away.

We say, embrace your love for rest.  Not only is it good for you, but you deserve it too!

Happy weekend!  Here’s to spending it sleeping  in, hibernating, and relaxing…

Photo Credit: melodramababs via Compfight cc

Your Pajama Fit Guide: How to Choose Just the Right PJs

You deserve a fabulous pair of pajamas.

But in a world of so many cool pajama choices, how do you know which ones are right for you?

Has this happened to you? You head out shopping because you need some new clothes, only to come home with a bunch of stuff that just doesn’t work. Maybe a shirt you love, but that does not quite go with anything else you own. Or a skirt that’s really cute, but you only wear it once because it pretty uncomfortable.

If you are lucky, you realize the mistaken choices and can return them. If you’re not so fortunate, you end up with a bunch of stuff in your closet that you never wear.

We don’t want this to happen with your pajamas.  We want you to find just the right ones.  Think Goldilocks when she found just the right bed. The type that you’ll wear over and over again and absolutely love. I’m talking about PJs that express who you are and make you feel cozy and happy when you put them on!

So, think of this your virtual “pajama fitting”.  Here are 4 questions to consider before buying a new pair of pajamas:

1. What are your favorite things?

Pajamas come in SO MANY fun patterns and styles!

So what’s your thing?  Are you a beach bunny who loves all things ocean and marine?  Are you a big time dog lover?  Maybe you’re obsessed with all things Paris.

Are you a total hipster? Can’t imagine a world without bacon?

No matter what you love or who you are, we’ve got you covered!

2. What’s your idea of comfort?

Footie pajamas are super cozy and cover you from head to toe.  Its like being wrapped in a blanket. Nightshirts are more breezy and cool.

Sleeve length and pant length – long versus short –  also make big difference, especially if you’re the type of sleeper who tosses and turns and wakes up with your pajama pants twisted around your legs.  My personal pet peeve!

The climate you live in, also comes into play, so keep this in mind as well!

3. How will you wear your pajamas?

Pajamas are for sleeping of course, but they’re also for lounging, and in some cases have become a fashion statement!  So think about how you want to wear your PJs.

For example, I have different pajamas for sleeping versus hanging out.  I like to sleep covered in lots of blankets, so I prefer a tank or short sleeved top and shorts for bed.  To relax and read or watch a movie, I love a classic cotton long sleeve and pant pajama set.

4. What kind of fabrics do you like?

Cotton is cozy, breathable, and easy to care for.  Fleece and flannel are  snuggly and warm.  Jersey is stretchy and silky and feels light against your skin.  What do you find totally cozy?

The bottom line: you should feel totally happy and super comfortable when you put on your pajamas.  Just like Goldilocks, when you put on your perfect PJs, we want to hear you say, “Ahhhh…just right”.

Pajamas & Happiness: what’s it all about?

by Becky Boyd, The Pajama Company Editor

We have a saying at The Pajama Company:

“Pajamas just make people happy”.  

So what’s the connection between pajamas and happiness, anyway?

When you get down to it, its all about simple pleasures.  Lots of people chase happiness, thinking the next thing they attain or goal they reach will finally, once and for all, make them happy. Goals and desires are a part of life, but when we’re constantly looking down the road, we’re missing what’s right in front of us: the simple things that make us happy right now.

Here are just a few of the reasons why we believe pajamas can add to your happiness…

Comfort & Relaxation

Getting cozy in your pjs after a long day at school or work can be so soothing. Its a signal to your body that its time to slow down. Giving ourselves time to recharge is key in maintaining inner peace and happiness.

Family Time

Being at home in your pajamas usually means time with family: pancake breakfasts, movie marathons, or just hanging out! We know that connection and belonging – whether it be with family or friends – increases our well-being and joy.

Being Yourself

Pajamas give you another way to express yourself, and maybe even in a way you wouldn’t normally during daily life.  You get to wear what ever you want.  Piggy pjs?  Superman underoos? Fuzzy frog slippers?  Its all about YOU and what makes you feel good!

So how about you: what is your simple pleasure?  Tell us in the comments below!


Do you need a Pajama Day?


need a pajama day

Every now and then, we all need a Pajama Day. A Pajama Day is a day just for you – to stay home and be comfortable and cozy in your pjs. It’s all about slowing down and doing nothing. No agendas, no work, pure relaxation. It’s a day to read a book, sip some tea, or maybe watch your favorite movie. Just be.

So many of us get caught up in the rat race of life, that we don’t consciously realize when it’s time for a rest. If you are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, feeling irritable, or experiencing a lot of stress – it’s time for you to take a Pajama Day! If you’ve just delivered a big project or met a deadline at work or school, chances are you are in need of some down time.

One of the keys to truly enjoying your Pajama Day is to acknowledge that it’s ok to take it! We often don’t understand that we deserve a break. We actually feel guilty about taking some rejuvenating time just for ourselves. We feel like we need to constantly be striving and working and hustling and doing. Let’s face it – it’s our culture. But we are here to tell you that you are allowed to have a day off to do nothing once in a while!

The truth is that taking a breather now and again will serve you and help you to avoid burning out. You will return to “regular” life refreshed and with more energy. Chances are you’ll be even more productive than you would have been if you hadn’t taken some time off. You’ll feel better and reduce your chances of getting sick.

Here are some tips to make sure you have a truly relaxing Pajama Day:

1. If you have to call in sick or take a personal day, do what you need to ensure that you’re off the clock!

2. Don’t forget to turn off the cell phone. Click on your “out of office” responder email and unplug.

3. Since you’re off all day and not cooking, tell your family to bring home food for dinner.

4. Make sure you have some yummy snacks on hand. Chocolate is really important here!

5. A good novel and your favorite magazines are essential.

6. And of course, don’t get dressed.  Stay in your most loved, cozy PJs!

…Oh, and be sure not to make the bed – you’ll need it for napping!

We want to know — what are your tips for a relaxing day off?  Tell us in the comments below!

From Sock Monkeys to the Oscars

By Amanda Palmer, The Pajama Company Editor

I am sure the title of my post has everyone scratching their head. What do sock monkeys have to do with the Academy Awards you ask?

This weekend is the first weekend of March, and Saturday the 1st begins the Sock Monkey Madness Festival In Rockford Illinois.

The history of these cute little monkeys is not really known, it is said that they were made in the depression because toys were too expensive. Grandma would take and old pair of socks like these and make a stuffed monkey with them. The monkeys were stuffed with old nylons, newspaper and other items.

So, in honor of Sock Monkey Madness we have special pajamas to help you celebrate these cute little guys. For the kids we have Munki Munki Kids Sock Monkey Pajamas, dress your little monkey in the coziest monkey in town.

And for the ladies we have Munki Munki Flannel Pajamas or Nightshirt whatever makes you feel comfortable.
















Now for the Academy Awards portion of this post. Every year I watch the Academy Awards snuggled up on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa, some popcorn and in my coziest pajamas.

I am sure my favorite part of the Academy Awards is everyone else’s as well. Nothing better than seeing movie stars dressed up in gorgeous clothes making their way down the red carpet so glamorous. It is fun watching everyone’s taste in formal wear, somethings that make it to the red carpet are outrageous. But that is what makes the Academy Awards so much fun.

So, I thought I would share a yummy recipe for the big night:

Smores “Black Tie” Popcorn

10 cups of popped popcorn

4 tablespoosn of butter

2 cups of graham cereal

1- 10 ounce bag of mini marshmallows (divided)

3/4 cup of mini chocolate chips

salt to taste

melt butter in a sauce pan on medium heat. Add half the mini marshmallows and stir until melted. Add melted mini marshmallows to popcorn and graham cereal. Toss until evenly combined then all chocolate chips and the rest of the mini marshmallows. Salt to taste. Please let cool before eating.

I love this recipe it is easy to make and it satisfies the sweet and salty cravings in everyone.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, and the Oscars!

Rainy Day Weekend

by Amanda Palmer, The Pajama Company Editor

I love the rain, the sound of it hitting the windows or roof and the distant sound of thunder. It’s wonderful sound makes for a nice sleepy weekend.

Not everyone in my house likes the rain. My kids rather be outside playing so when we have weekends like this I think about all the fun inside things they can do. I call it Palmer Family Fun Day!

I made a great list of Rainy Day Activities you can do and I also have a fun recipe that you can either make as a dessert or lunch depending on the ingredients you use.

1.  Board Games – Nothing like pulling out board games and playing all your family favorites.

2.  Scavenger Hunt –  As mentioned in White Valentine’s Day & President’s Day Weekend you can use this scavenger hunt for days like these as well.

3.  Sock Puppet Theater –  Make your own puppets with socks you cannot find the mate to and then have a puppet show. There are so many different items you can glue on to a sock to make it look like any animal or character you choose. I also keep a kit of googly eyes, pipe cleaners and bits of yarn and fabric on hand for days like these.

4.  Peanut Butter/Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Modeling Clay – Yes this is the modeling clay kids can eat. All you have to do is mix 1 cup of Peanut butter/chocolate hazelnut spread, 2 cups confectioners sugar, 1/2 cup of honey and you have edible modeling clay. Of course you can portion it and color it for even more fun.

5.  Magazine Collage – This is a great fun way to recycle your old magazines. Give the kids a pair of scissors, a piece of construction paper, a little glue and a topic like (show me the things you like to do on a sunny day) and let the imagination go.

6.  Blanket and Pillow Fort – Take blankets and pillows and use coffee tables and chairs to make an ultra cool fort. I love doing this one and then “camping out” in the living room while we watch a movie. This is a good one to get the little ones settled down to take a nap.

7.  Dance Party – Play music and dance with your kids, this is fun to watch the little ones move to the music in their own special way.

8.  Sock “Snowball” Fight – This one my mother started with us. Pair some socks (the kids can help) and then simply have a snowball fight with the socks.

9. Decorate Shower Curtain – Purchase a clear/white shower curtain and permanent markers and let the kids design thier own shower curtain.

10. Read & Draw –  Read a story and then give the kids markers and paper and have them draw a unique ending to the story they just heard.

There you have it, 10 fun and interesting things to do so the kids won’t say the dreaded words “I’m bored”!

There is one more thing I am going to give you to do with your kids and that is cook. Nothing better than some comfort food on a rainy day. The best part this is a semi homemade recipe and depending on the ingredients you choose it can be sweet or savory…or you can do both and have real fun!

Pull Apart Pizza or Cinnamon Bread (You decide)

2 cans of refrigerated biscuit dough

1 Jar Pizza Sauce

2 cups of Mozzarella Cheese

1 cup Parmesan Cheese

1 package of Pepperoni

1 tablespoon olive oil or cooking spray


2 cans of refrigerated Biscuit Dough

1/2 cup  granulated Sugar

1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon

1 cup Brown Sugar

3/4 cup melted Butter

Oil Bundt pan with oil or cooking spray and layer ingredients well, cook in 325 degree oven for 47 -52 minutes or until golden brown and not doughy any longer.

I hope I have given you a good list of things to do with your children on a rainy pajama day. The best part is you can do this on days that aren’t rainy and make every day a….




It’s Flannel Season

By Ellie Badanes, The Pajama Company Blog Team

With temperatures plummeting and nights long, January is the month for hibernating.  With festive celebrations behind us, now it’s our time to snuggle up in our favorite pj’s. We love “Flannel Season” and think our collection  is not only super comfy but also warm and fun. Chances are we have a pajama to reflect your personality and just your style. So curl up with your favorite book, TV show, movie or better yet, your favorite sleep mask and embrace January. Here are some of our flannel favorites today.

PJ Salvage “Macaroons” $58

Big Feet Flannel Footie $44

PJ Salvage “Hootie”  $58

PJ Salvage “Frontier” $58

The Cat’s Pajamas “Sushi” Pant for Men $56



I’ll Be Home For Christmas!

By Amanda Palmer, The Pajama Company Editor

Yes, I am home from a month long trip frolicking in Connecticut. Actually the trip was a sad one I went back home to celebrate the life of someone that will always remain near and dear in my heart.

After being home for a few days, I can feel the Holiday spirit fill me. My family hasn’t decorated for our holiday festivities because they waited for me to be home. Now that everything is back into some order we will be starting our holiday work.

The holiday season is a big time in my family as I am sure it is for many families. Nothing is better than being held up in the house because of cold weather baking, watching classic movies, and snuggling in your pajamas.

Christmas is the time where pajamas are very important. When I think Christmas I envision a small child making their way down a huge staircase in their pajamas usually with a stuffed animal in tow. Heading to the Christmas tree to see if Santa has come to visit them and leave gifts if they were good all year long. as a child I always wore footie pajamas like our “Winter Snowflake” Kids Fleece Footie Pajamas.

As children I always begged my mother to open one gift on Christmas Eve. That was usually pajamas for us to wear on Christmas Day for photos. This tradition has lived on in my house. I make sure every year to buy pajamas for the family and we wear them in the morning for the perfect photos. I know some families even wear matching pajamas for Christmas Morning photos, I am sure that is of interest. If it is then search no longer because The Pajama Company offers Matching Family Pajamas, it is the cutest idea for the biggest family related holiday of the season.

Before the big night it might be nice to do a fun family project dawning your pajamas. I always pick a project to do with the kids and pump up the traditional Christmas music that everyone eventually hums and sings along to (like Johnny Mathis, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, etc.) and we have a lot of fun and laughs being together as a family. I will give you a fun suggestion to get started with this tradition.


So there you have it fun family picture ops, projects and music. Yes here at The Pajama Company we know how to have fun.





Salt Dough Santa Ornament
4 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 1/2 cups water

1. Combine ingredients and knead dough for 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Roll dough out and cut around hand or cut circles out for making hand imprints.
3. Make a small hole for the hanger and prick to prevent air bubbles.
4. Bake at 300ºF about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. You may have to bake considerably longer depending on how thick the ornaments are. Please note that these ornaments will harden as they cool.
5. Paint and decorate as desired. Acrylic paints work best and use a varnish to make them shiny and to protect the painting.

Falling Back Into Pajamas

Amanda Palmer, The Pajama Company Editor

Did you remember to set your clocks back an hour? I actually remembered this year, but it really doesn’t matter because today is one of my official pajama days! Yes, it is a laid back Sunday for my family. We are sitting in our living room in our pajamas and watching movies on Netflix.


We all have our own favorite type of pajama set. My oldest daughter loves snuggling with our pets and truly has a love for animals so her favorite pajama day gear is our Moose Caboose Pink Pajama Flapjack Pajamas  paired with Aroma Home’s Knitted “Cat” Slipper Socks.









My Middle daughter loves staying cozy in our “Bedtime Bears” Fleece Footie Pajamas. She snuggles up under a blanket with her favorite tea time friends and tells stories while staying snug as a cute little bug!




The tiniest part of my family toddles along with her PJ Salvage “Cupcakes” Waffle Blanket and her Hot Hugs Monkey in tow. 










This post wouldn’t be complete without me mentioning the men in my life. My Husband and Nephew love to stay comfortable and warm in their Pajama Pants.

My Husband can never be “crabby” when he is wearing his Lazy One “Lobster” Pajama Pants

Then my Nephew brings life into any of our family pajama parties with his Hatley Nature Men’s “Moose on Plaid” Flannel Pants

I hope you have enjoyed my little slice of life and how my family makes the most of falling back and enjoying our crisp fall day in comfort. Maybe I also left you with some ideas on how to relax in style with your family as well!