Tag Archives: wellness

10 reasons to love rainy days

Why Rainy Weekends are Actually The Best

Science has proven over and over again that the weather has the power to affect our mood. Shorter days in the winter can make us feel depressed. Cloudy skies can make us feel tired and the sun makes us feel energized. That’s all well and good, but what’s wrong with a little rain? We actually think rainy days are kind of the best, especially during the weekend. Here’s why.

cute bear cotton pajama set

Daisy Alexander ‘Beary Happy’ PJ Set

10 Reasons to Love Rainy Weekends

1. You don’t “have to” go outside.

The great outdoors are, well, great. But after a long, grinding week there’s nothing better than waking up to the pitter patter of rain against your window pane. A rainy day means you don’t have to “make the most” of the weather by getting outside. There’s no reason you have to dust off your bike, go for a jog, take the dog hiking, or meet your friends for a sunny afternoon brunch. You can be an indoor cat without regret.

2. You can catch up on that new series everyone is talking about.

“What do you mean you don’t watch…?” Instead of smiling and nodding when your coworkers dish about That New Show on That Streaming Service, actually participate in the conversation for once. Use your rainy day to pop some popcorn, curl up on the couch, and binge watch a hot new series.

3. It’s hot chocolate weather.

Just because the holidays are over, that doesn’t mean that you have to punish yourself with boring cups of coffee and tea on a rainy day. Make yourself a big mug of hot cocoa with all the trimmings: marshmallows and candy canes if you still have a few lying around the kitchen — they don’t expire, right? Wrap yourself up in a cozy bathrobe and sip while you listen to the gentle sounds of rain outside. Hot chocolate is the ultimate rainy day treat.

4. You can go to bed early.

Even people with the most active social lives need a break every now and again. You’ll notice that on a rainy Friday night, your cell phone will stay blissfully silent. Almost every social butterfly takes advantage of a rainy night to stay in and recharge. So ditch the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), go to bed early, and wake up refreshed!

5. Pajamas for the win!

The number one, absolute bestthing about a rainy weekend is that you can stay in your pajama pants for 48 straight hours. Blustery wet weather makes us want to curl up under a warm blanket in our favorite flannels, so why not indulge? Put on your slippers and keep them on until Monday.

6. You can do that thing you said you’d do.

How are the New Year’s Resolutions going? Did you make a promise to yourself to get back into painting, read a book a month, try yoga? If you’re not into lazing about on a rainy day, use your gray weekend to get back on track. Read that book, find a yoga video on YouTube, or bust out your watercolors. Even if none of these items ended up on your list of resolutions, using this time indoors to exercise your mind will help you feel more energized when you go back to work on Monday.

7. Takeout tastes better when it’s raining.

It’s a fact: food always tastes better when you don’t have to cook it. Second fact: a comforting container of takeout always tastes better when it’s cold and rainy outside. Take a day off from grocery shopping and order the pizza, pad thai, buffalo wings, or tofu and broccoli you’ve been dreaming about. Then plant yourself on the couch and savor every last bite.

8. You can practice self-care.

In this age of unparalleled connectivity, we really do have to practice self-care. Putting our health and wellness first isn’t an instinct for most modern adults. We have to learn to set time aside to take care of our ourselves. Take a bath, paint your nails, or take a nap. A rainy weekend is the perfect time practice a little self-care.

9. You can do chores without doing much.

Do you know it’s going to rain this weekend? Park your car in the driveway, soap it up, and walk away. Or put your indoor plants outside for a natural watering. Check “water the lawn” off your to-do list. These tiny life hacks can help you feel semi-productive while you spend the rest of the day binge-watching shows on Netflix in your PJs.

cute umbrella pattern pajamas

Ready for a PJ party in the Daisy Alexander ‘Rainy Day’ Classic Pajama Set

10. You can host a pajama party.

If you don’t feel like going out but want to be social, invite a few friends over for a “pajama party.” Encourage them to wear their PJs or their favorite sweatpants, order pizza, open a bottle of wine, and watch a movie together. Nothing makes your home feel cozy on a rainy night like friends and jammies.

We hope this fun little list helps you see the silver lining during your next rainy weekend! For more ideas for family fun, visit The Pajama Company Blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog. Don’t forget to check out our new private label, Daisy Alexander, for the perfect rainy day attire!

Best Rainy Day Pajamas daisy alexander

Best Herbal Teas for a Cold

Healing Herbal Teas for Cold Season

This is the most wonderful time of year to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and hibernate. Unfortunately, hibernation isn’t always a choice. Winter is also host to a number of viruses, ranging from the common cold to the flu. The sniffles might send you back to bed more often than you’d like. In addition to modern medicine, there are a number of soothing ways to treat a cold that taste much better than cough syrup.

We recover faster from colds when we allow our bodies to rest and heal. Get cozy in your softest pajamas, snuggle up under the covers, and make yourself a steaming pot of tea — the perfect beverage to compliment a day of binge watching the latest Netflix drama with a box of tissues.

Plush bathrobe in light pink / blush color from PJ Salvage

Get comfortable in this Luxe Plush Robe in ‘Blush’ by PJ Salvage.

12 Herbal Teas to Soothe the Common Cold

1. White Tea. Similar to green tea, white tea has an antiseptic quality and actually destroys pathogenic bacteria in your body. Pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that can cause disease, so white tea might give your immune system a little boost during cold and flu season.

2. Lemongrass. Teas made with lemongrass serve as a balm for sore throats. Additionally, lemongrass is has antiviral properties that may assist in the healing process.

3. Cinnamon. Teas that contain cinnamon have a warming flavor and an extra kick. They also contain more antioxidants than other herbal teas. Some studies have shown that antioxidants may lower your risk of infections.

4. Ginger. Ginger tea or teas that contain ginger, will help relieve your sore throat and loosen up mucus that causes congestion due to a cold. If you’re feeling queasy, ginger is best known for its ability to calm an upset stomach because it can reduce nausea.

5. Cloves. Similar to ginger, herbal teas that contain cloves can make it easier to cough up phlegm and ease congestion. Another option is to simply add a few cloves to steeping tea. When the tea is finished steeping, strain the liquid or fish out the cloves with a spoon.

6. Black Tea. Please keep in mind that the caffeine may keep you up and prevent you from getting adequate rest. However, it’s good to know that new research from Harvard University concluded that people who drank five cups of black tea every day for two weeks transformed their immune system’s T cells. The cells pumped out 10 times more cold and flu virus-fighting interferon!

Coffee Pattern Flannel Pajama Set

‘Spiced Coffee’ pajama pattern by Munki Munki. Available as a super soft flannel pajama set or just pajama pants.

7. Lemon. Lemon tea or adding a squeeze of lemon to your tea or water will give you a much-needed vitamin C boost, which can help the duration and severity of symptoms if you already have a cold.

8. Turmeric. Turmeric has been getting a lot of praise in the health and wellness community recently. The root is one of the most effective anti-inflammatories in existence. Turmeric tea can help reduce inflammation and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.

9. Cayenne. It’s no secret that cayenne’s spicy heat is great for warming the body. When utilized in tea, cayenne can help with digestion issues, nausea, and has been known to help restore lost appetite.

10. Raw Honey. Stirring raw honey into your herbal tea will not only add a welcomed touch of sweetness, it will also add small amounts of vitamin C and folate. Honey also contains antibacterial properties. When honey coats the back of the throat, it not only soothes the cough, it can help prevent infection.

11. Sage. We associate sage more commonly with cooking savory dishes, but it can also be used to make a soothing herbal tea. Like ginger and lemongrass, sage eases sore throat discomfort. The herb also contains similar antiviral qualities.

12. Lemon Verbena. Lemon verbena is considered the most intense of the lemon-scented herbs. When used in a tea, lemon verbena has been known to help reduce very mild fevers, settle upset stomachs, and increase appetite. Additionally, lemon verbena tea soothes sore throats.

We hope these herbal teas and natural ingredients help you create a soothing and delicious drink to enjoy while you heal. Of course, always consult a medical practitioner before changing your diet or consuming any natural herbs that may interfere with other medications you may be taking. Feel better soon!

For more ideas for self-care, reading lists, and ideas for family fun this winter season, visit The Pajama Company blog at thepajamacompany.com/blog.

Winter Pajama Sale 2019

10 Bedtime Rituals to Help You Decompress

10 Bedtime Rituals to Help You Decompress

Your work schedule, the kids’ school schedule, Halloween, Thanksgiving, holiday shopping… is anyone else beginning to feel the crunch of this busy season? It’s as if the lazy days of summer are actually a rest period so we have the energy to make it through the marathon holiday season of the fall and winter.

As we approach this busy time of year, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of self care. The more hectic our schedules get, the easier it becomes to move your health and happiness to the bottom of the list. Apart from drinking enough water and eating our veggies, our most basic health requirement is sleep. We hope these simple bedtime rituals will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Dog Pattern Flannel Pajamas

PJ Salvage ‘Think Pawsitive’ Classic Flannel Pajama Set in Antique White

Bedtime Rituals to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

1. Make a to-do list.

Your to-do list can be as simple as few things you want to accomplish the next day, like clearing out your inbox, paying your phone bill, or tackling the first step of a project at work. By writing down each task, you’re actually creating an action plan for the day. This allows you to rest easy knowing that you will wake up with purpose and direction.

2. Stretch before bed.

Try a incorporating a simple yoga practice into your nighttime routine. The stretching will soothe aching joints and muscles and the breathing techniques will help you exhale all the stress you’ve accumulated throughout your day. This 7-minute bedtime yoga sequence is so simple you can do it your pajamas, no spandex required.

3. Try micro journaling.

Journaling is a healthy, reflective practice that allows you to acknowledge your successes and note areas for improvement. Micro journaling is simply writing down three things that went well that day and three things that didn’t. This practice gives your day closure, sealing it in the past. This keeps you focused on the positive and prevents you from dwelling on the negative, silencing that end-of-day chatter that keeps you up at night!

4. Take an evening stroll.

If you can slip away for twenty minutes, take a walk around your neighborhood. Studies have shown that walking, especially in green spaces like a park, can have the same stress-relieving effects as meditation. This would be a great time to think about what you’re grateful for today and what you want to accomplish tomorrow. The key to a restorative walk is to do it unplugged — no ear buds! After a hot shower, you’ll go to bed feeling rested and refreshed.

5. A cleansing soak.

Whether it’s a long leisurely bubble bath or quick a 5-minute foot soak, wash away your stress in the tub. Immersion in water is known to be very therapeutic, especially when you combine it with the relaxing effects of aromatherapy. In the evening, add lavender oil to the water to promote a deep sleep. After you towel off, wrap yourself up in a warm fluffy bathrobe to create a spa experience.

Women's Polar Bear Bathrobe

Munki Munki Women’s Fluffy ‘Polar Bear’ Fleece Robe

6. Unplug and open a book.

An hour before bed, unglue yourself from screens: television, phone, and computer. Put on your softest, comfiest pajamas and curl up in bed with a good book. The light from these screens has been shown to disrupt our sleep patterns. Not only will reading at the end of the day help you get to sleep faster, avoiding the glow of your electronics will help you stay asleep longer. Check out our fall classics reading list for ideas.

7. An evening cup of tea.

Simply the act of making a cup of tea can be a meditative practice. Waiting for the water to boil. Prepping the tea bags if you’re making loose tea. The scent of the water hitting the dried herbs. Get in the habit of making a cup of herbal tea before bed. Chamomile, jasmine, and mint are soothing herbal teas that won’t keep you up at night.

8. Adult coloring books.

Adult coloring books have been all the rage in the last few years, used mostly as a stress-relieving technique. Coloring is an easy way to be crafty and creative, no matter how much time you have at the end of the day. Coloring stimulates areas of the brain that most of us non-creatives don’t use every day, making it a soothing and helpful brain exercise that promotes creative problem solving. The perfect pre-bedtime activity.

9. Meditate for 5 minutes.

Meditating for as little as five minutes each day can reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep. There are many guided meditations available online, so you can learn breathing techniques and practice helpful, relaxing visualizations. Meditating is a great way to clear your mind before bed, especially if you find that overthinking keeps you up at night!

10. Invest in comfortable pajamas.

We know, we know… to someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail! Believe it or not, investing in comfortable sleepwear will help you get to sleep faster. When you were a kid, pajamas weren’t just something to wear after your bath — they also acted as a signal to tell you that it was bedtime, mentally preparing you to wind down. The same logic can be applied as an adult. A ritual as simple as putting on pajamas says, “My day is finished. It’s time for me to rest.”

We hope these ideas for bedtime rituals help you get a great night’s sleep. For more sleep tips and ideas for family fun this fall season, visit The Pajama Company Blogat thepajamacompany.com/blog.

17 Sleep Inducing Bedtime Snacks

17 Sleep-Inducing Bedtime Snacks

How is it August already? It’s time to get back to school and back to our family routines. The long carefree days of summer sometimes encourage parents to let bedtime stretch 30 minutes… or one or two hours… later than on a school night. Getting your kids back on board with “early to bed, early to rise” might be a challenge.

Cutting out screen time at least one hour before bed is a great way to help kids (and adults!) fall asleep and stay asleep. If your kids usually have a bedtime snack, rethink milk and cookies and opt for one of these sleep inducing treats instead. Your kids will practically be begging for their pajamas.

Classic Moose Flapjack Pajamas by Lazy One

Classic Moose Flapjack Pajamas by Lazy One

Snacks That Make You Sleepy

1. Banana and Almond Butter. The magnesium and potassium in bananas serve as a natural muscle and nerve relaxant. The protein and fiber in almond butter will ensure that your kids will stay asleep.

2. Hummus and Whole-Grain Bread. Hummus is a great source of tryptophan, which gets metabolized into serotonin and melatonin, two of the main chemicals responsible for getting you to sleep. Whole-grain bread triggers insulin production, which makes you feel sleepy by naturally raising your blood sugar.

3. Whole-Grain Crackers, Cheese, and Turkey. The protein in cheese will help you stay asleep while turkey is another great source of tryptophan. The calcium in cheese will also regulate involuntary muscle movements, reducing the chance of “twitching” awake.

4. Cherries. The best way to get a good night’s sleep is to increase your melatonin intake. Cherries are a natural source of melatonin. When eaten regularly, they can help regulate your sleep cycle.

5. Chocolate Covered Almonds. Dark chocolate contains serotonin, which relaxes your body and mind. Almonds are packed with protein and fiber to curb hunger.

6. Watermelon. Each 2-cup serving is half water, which will hydrate kids before bed and eliminate post-dinner hunger pains with its fiber and volume.

7. Whole-Grain Crackers and Tuna Salad. Whole-Grain foods are great for regulating your blood sugar and fish such as tuna, halibut, and salmon are high in vitamin B6, which your body needs to make melatonin and serotonin.

'Bear Cheeks' Flapjack Pajamas by Lazy One

‘Bear Cheeks’ Flapjack Pajamas by Lazy One

8. Honey-Sweetened Hot Chocolate. Milk, dark chocolate powder, and a touch of honey warmed on the stove is a drink that will send anyone off to dreamland. Dark chocolate is a natural source of serotonin and the calcium in milk helps the brain use the tryptophan to manufacture sleep-inducing melatonin. The natural sugar in honey slightly raises insulin and allows tryptophan to enter the brain more easily.

9. Pistachios. A handful of pistachios packs protein, vitamin B6, and magnesium, all of which contribute to better sleep.

10. String Cheese. If your kids are complaining of hunger pangs, “string cheese” — part-skim mozzarella cheese — is packed with protein and makes for a satisfying pre-bed snack.

11. Pretzels. This one might surprise you. Pretzels have a high glycemic index, which means they will spike your blood sugar and insulin levels, shortening the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep. Combine with nut butter for a snack with some staying power.

12. Whole-Grain Toast, Smoked Salmon, and Cream Cheese. If your kids are happy with tuna, give this one a try. Given what we already know about whole-grains and dairy, this snack should be no surprise. Like tuna, salmon is rich in vitamin B6, which aids in melatonin and serotonin production.

13. Oatmeal with Dried Cherries. Oats raise your blood sugar naturally and make you feel sleepy. Oats are also rich in melatonin, which relaxes the body and helps you fall asleep.

14. Baked Sweet Potato “Toast”. Baked sweet potatoes are a great source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium to help you relax. Drizzle with honey or a tablespoon of almond butter for a pre-bedtime treat.

15. Whole Wheat Banana Muffins with Walnuts. The vitamin B6 in bananas converts tryptophan into serotonin, increasing the body’s ability to relax. Walnuts are another natural source of melatonin, which will help regulate your sleep cycle.

16. Bowl of Rice Cereal. A bowl of rice cereal before bed could help your kids get better sleep. The snack combines calcium from milk with carbs and the blood sugar spike from rice to help them get to sleep faster.

17. Cantaloupe. Dehydration can impact your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, so choosing to snack on a watery fruit like cantaloupe will help make up for any deficits.

For more back-to-school tips and tricks,  visit The Pajama Company at our blog, thepajamacompany.com/blog.

back-to-school kids pajamas

How to Host a Winter Spa Day in Your Pajamas

How to Host a Winter Spa Day

We are barely through winter but our skin has been through the ringer: holiday stress, wayward skincare routines, loads of sugar, and the season’s first blizzard. As we approach winter’s halfway mark, give your tired skin some TLC. Gather your best girlfriends for a winter spa day.

Hosting a winter spa day is far less expensive than the real deal. Also, many people abstain from sugar or alcohol during the month of January, so it’s a way to host a party that doesn’t put an emphasis on food and drink — but who would pass up a chance to sip a mimosa in a bathrobe?

Munki Munki Women's Fluffy Polar Bear Coral Fleece Robe

Munki Munki Fluffy Polar Bear Fleece Robe from The Pajama Company

Everything You Need for a Winter Spa Day at Home


Bring your own bathrobe, that is. Encourage everyone to wear clothes they can truly lounge in (think ultrasoft pajama pants) and their fluffiest, coziest bathrobe and slippers. Slipping into a relaxed state of mind starts with the clothes we wear. When you go to a spa, you are provided with a robe and encouraged to wear soft, loose-fitting clothing. Encourage your guests to do the same. Let’s be real: pants with zippers are for the birds.

2. Minimalist Magic

Tidy up your living room so everything looks neat and decluttered with a minimalist spa feel. Hide knick knacks and run the vacuum. Turn off the TV and turn on some ‘spa tunes’ on Pandora or Spotify: any soothing instrumentals that incorporate nature sounds like rain, gentle thunder, or birdsong. Make sure there are plenty of pillows and space for people to get comfortable. Set up stacks of magazines throughout the room. Strategically place some fresh flowers to bring the outdoors in and shake off the winter blues.

Create a Spa Atmosphere

The traditional blend of lavender and peppermint has an instant, calming effect.

3. Aromatherapy

The first thing we notice when we step into a spa is the smell. The traditional blend of lavender and peppermint has an instant, calming effect. The scent of lavender is well-known for its stress-relieving benefits. Peppermint has a cooling, refreshing effect and is used in aromatherapy to increase mental alertness. Many claim that the oil has natural energy-boosting properties. Add peppermint and lavender scented candles or oil diffusers to the room so your guests can breathe deep and relax in a spa-like atmosphere.

4. Drinks and Light Bites

If you want to keep the menu alcohol-free out of respect for your friends abstaining in January, opt for spa classics like cucumber water. Simply slice a cleaned cucumber (peeled or unpeeled, your preference) into ½ inch slices. Add to a pitcher of water with ice. Allow to sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour, but for best results let sit overnight. You can make lemon water by swapping out lemons and following the same process. Opt for lighter food like fresh fruit, hummus, smoked salmon, pita wedges, veggies, or salad wraps. If you’re including adult beverages, mimosas are a surefire hit.

5. Spa Stations

Unless you’re a licensed massage therapist, the spa stations will be simple, but fun. Set up an adjoining bathroom with tea lights, exfoliating face washes, moisturizers, and face masks for a DIY facial station. Set up an area of the living room with nail polish remover, various polishes and finishes, and hand cream for manicures and pedicures. Print out instructions for shoulder and neck massages and guests can take turns giving each other massages. Lastly add a hair styling station with dry shampoo, spray-in conditioner, styling products, a curling iron, flat iron, combs, ties, and bobby pins. Have fun trying out online tutorials and styling each other’s hair.

While your party won’t be on par with a 5-star spa, you and your guests are sure to have a great time catching up, enjoying snacks, and giggling at each other’s face masks. For more ideas on how to live your best life in the New Year, visit The Pajama Company on our blog or check us out on Facebook.

Light Brunch Ideas for the New Year

Lighten Up with These Post-Holiday Brunch Ideas

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s we stuffed ourselves with savory indulgences and sweet treats. January is a time when we like to “get back to basics” and offset the decadence of the holiday season with healthier options.

Healthier, lighter choices are challenging to make in the middle of winter. It’s easier to follow your self-imposed restrictions during the workweek, when you’re distracted and far from your refrigerator. However, the weekends don’t lend themselves to salads.

When it’s blistering cold outside and you’re cozy and warm in your flannel pajamas on a Saturday morning, you want nothing more than a steaming hot cup of coffee and a heavy, hearty brunch.

You don’t have to forgo your leisurely weekend meals in your jammies. Simply swap out your signature French toast casserole for one of these delicious options that are heavy on flavor and light on guilt.

10 Light Brunch Ideas for the New Year

1. Butternut Squash-Kale Hash from Health.com

This sweet and savory Butternut Squash-Kale Hash is ready to enjoy in just over thirty minutes. The mix of superfoods with the low-carb satisfaction of butternut squash is sure to warm you up in the morning. Finishing the dish with a crispy fried egg, with its gooey soft center, also satisfies our craving for a cheesy topping.

Get the recipe on health.com

2. Mixed Berry Vanilla Baked Oatmeal from Julie’s Eats & Treats

The French toast casserole we mentioned earlier? Swap it out for the sweet taste of fresh berries and fragrant vanilla in this Mixed Berry Vanilla Baked Oatmeal. This is a warm, comforting dish that you can feel good about, with your feet up on the couch in your favorite footie pajamas.

Get the recipe on julieseatsandtreats.com

3. Light & Spicy Turkey Sausage Breakfast Burrito from The Creative Bite

This is an absolute favorite! Not only is this Light & Spicy Turkey Sausage Breakfast Burrito a satisfying addition to a weekend brunch, this recipe can be made ahead and frozen for an on-the-go meal during the week. It’s easy to throw together and contains a fraction of the fat of pork sausage.

Get the recipe on thecreativebite.com

4. End-of-Summer Zucchini Mushroom Frittata from Life is But a Dish

Remind yourself of warmer days with this lightened up End-of-Summer Zucchini Mushroom Frittata. Ok… stay with us… we are well aware that we are far from the “end of summer,” but if we’re being honest, all of these veggies are available — and inexpensive! — in your grocery store throughout the year. Topped with salty, savory feta, this frittata will satisfy your deepest darkest brunch cravings.

Get the recipe on lifeisbutadish.com

5. Crustless Vegetable Quiche from Recipe Runner

Everyone loves a good quiche. If you are torn between “brunching out” or “brunching in” and sticking to your New Year’s resolution, this Crustless Vegetable Quiche is the recipe for you. You could easily swap out the spring veggies for vegetables that are more readily available. Regardless of what veggies you choose, ditching the crust means you save yourself countless calories. Calories that can be better spent enjoying a mimosa in your bathrobe

Get the recipe on reciperunner.com

6. Sweet Potato, Bacon, and Apple Hash from Worth Cooking

Sometimes you can’t skip the bacon. Subbing traditional russet potatoes for sweet potatoes means you are going to get more nutritional bang for your buck — which totally cancels out the bacon (we’re basically nutritionists… not). Incorporating apples and sweet potato in this Sweet Potato, Bacon, and Apple Hash definitely does take the edge of the guilt. In the end, isn’t that all that really matters?

Get the recipe on worthcooking.net

Light Egg Dish for the New Year

‘Italian Eggs’ from Cook the Story

7. Italian Eggs (aka ‘Eggs in Purgatory’) from Cook the Story

This recipe for Italian Eggs, better known traditionally as ‘Eggs in Purgatory,’ is light on calories but packed with the robust flavors we crave when we think of Italian cooking. The dish consists of eggs simmered to perfection in a hearty tomato sauce, then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. The red pepper flakes give the dish a spicy kick that will warm you up on a cold January morning.

Get the recipe from cookthestory.com

8. Avocado Toast with Turkey and Egg from The Lemon Bowl

You can’t brunch without avocado toast, or so we’re told. This Avocado Toast with Turkey and Egg is a deeply satisfying healthy breakfast-lunch-or-dinner dish. Hearty multigrain toast, topped with creamy avocado and a decadent runny fried egg will keep your fatty breakfast cravings under control. Additionally, the extra-lean protein punch of sliced turkey will keep your hunger in check until your next meal.

Get the recipe from thelemonbowl.com

Fuzzy Duck Slippers from Aroma Home

Did someone say fuzzy slippers? ‘Duck Slippers’ by Aroma Home.

9. Bacon and Asparagus Frittata from The Roasted Root

Put on your warmest, fuzziest slippers because this Bacon and Asparagus Frittata is classic lightened-up comfort food. With only four ingredients (!!!) you can prep this dish in just ten minutes. Ideal for a lazy Saturday morning. This recipe calls for four slices of thick cut bacon, which infuse each of the frittata’s 6+ servings with the savory bacon goodness you’re craving. Top with avocado, because why not?

Get the recipe from theroastedroot.com

10. Whipped Yogurt with Spiced Berry Compote from The Worktop

We’ve rounded out this brunch list with a sweet finish in the form of a Whipped Yogurt with Spiced Berry Compote. A yogurt parfait is something that we think of during the summer months, but the cinnamon, anise, and vanilla of this spiced berry compote warm up this sweet dish with the flavors of winter.

Get the recipe from theworktop.com

For more ideas on how to live your best life in the New Year, visit The Pajama Company on our blog or check us out on Facebook.

This Year, Workout in Your Pajamas

We make a lot of promises to ourselves in January that we break by March. New Year’s resolutions are a tradition of goal setting. They key to accomplishing your goals is to start small and build on small successes. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start working out, we have the perfect way to ease into a new routine.

Gyms are expensive and involve an additional commute. For some of us, the added cost and challenge make it easier to commit to an exercise routine. For others, those same challenges become hurdles. Before you spend on Crossfit classes, try incorporating exercise into your routine slowly to make the habit stick.

A great way to start is by working out in your pajamas. That’s right — a quick workout before or after you go to bed allows you to knock it out before you shower for work. Here are some simple exercise ideas that you can do at home, in your PJs.

10 At-Home Workouts You Can Do in Pajamas

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