Author Archives: admin

Five for Friday: Cozy Bedroom Retreats

Your bedroom is the place that you want to look forward to relaxing in at the end of a long day, right? It should be the most peaceful place in your home with soothing colors and textures, and a good warm ambience.

So just for a little inspiration, here are five of our favorite cozy bedroom retreats:

White on White


Image via Lindsay Marcella

Rustic Bohemian


Image via Decoholic

Classic Navy


Image via The Inspired Room


serene coastal bedoom

Image via House of Turquoise

Black & White


Image via House Beautiful

Yoga for Better Sleep

yoga for sleepSometimes getting to sleep can be kind of difficult. You might toss and turn because your mind keeps racing thinking about the stressful day you just had or something you’re anticipating for tomorrow. Or maybe it’s something you can’t quite name, but you know your body is carrying tension and it’s keeping you from getting comfortable when it’s time to go to sleep.

Doing yoga before bed can be a great way to release physical tension. The meditative aspect of yoga can also help to calm your mind. The combination of yoga postures and breathing techniques help slow down your heart beat and relax your nervous system, which both contribute to better sleep.

So whether you’re having trouble getting to sleep or just want to improve the quality of your sleep, yoga before bed might be a great option for you. Get cozy in your favorite PJs and try one of these short yoga videos – each one is right around 10 minutes or less – to relax your mind and body.

Yoga for Deep Sleep from Tara Stiles

10 Minute Bedtime Yoga

Easy 5 Minute Bedtime Yoga

Namaste, friends. Here’s to better sleep!

Paris in Pajamas

paris in pajamas

Bedhead Women’s “Blue Eiffel” Nightshirt $114

Ahhh, Paris. The city of lights and chocolate croissants (avec le cafe, of course) and fashion and so many beautiful and delicious things. Parisians are known for their passion for life’s simple pleasures: enjoying food and life and friends.

We love Paris, but since we can’t always be there, we also like to think of it as a state of being. Kind of like Sabrina in this famous scene from the classic movie. Life with rose colored glasses or “la vie on rose” as the French say.

So why not add a little Paris to your PJs and cultivate the feeling of “la vie en rose”? Audrey Hepburn was known to have said, “Paris is always a good idea” and we totally agree.

So here’s to Paris in Pajamas!


The Cat’s Pajamas “Eiffel Tower” Pajama Set $94

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Bedhead Kids “Eiffel Hearts” Pajama Set $58
Bedhead Women’s “Blue Eiffel” Pajama Set $140bedhead blueeiffelpoplinsetclose500

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Bedhead Tween “Cafe du Paris” Pajama Set $66

9 Reasons to Spend Valentine’s Day in Your Pajamas

1. It’s just plain cozy. Why get dressed up and go out when you can be snuggled up – warm & cozy – with your sweetie?!

2. Because champagne always tastes better in PJs. (We’ve done our research!)

3. Instead of spending money on a fancy outfit, you have the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a fun new pair of pajamas.

4. You’ll win MAJOR snuggle points with your cat.

5. Romance movie binge. Check out this list of the 50 most romantic movies on Netflix.

6. You get to trade that slinky wrap dress for a fluffy robe!

7. You don’t have to wear Spanx AND you can eat as many cupcakes as you want. #dreamdate

8. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed! Did somebody say “take-out”?!

9. Because there’s no better Valentine outfit on earth than heart footies

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!


7 Favorite Feel Good Movies


feel good movies done

It’s the middle of winter, and sometimes don’t you just want to settle into your jammies and fuzzy blanket and watch something uplifting? Whether it’s a tried and true movie you’ve seen a million times or a new discovery, there’s just something about a happy movie that has the power to put a smile on your face and leave you with that heart-warmed feeling.

We love movies that make us feel good, and in that spirit, we’re sharing some of our very favorites with you!


This is a great story about a chef (played by Jon Favreau) who looses his job in a restaurant and decides to start up his own food truck, and bonds with his son along the way.  Super cast and a totally charming movie. (On Netflix)

Notting Hill

You’ve probably seen it more than once, but Notting Hill is one of those movies to watch again and again. A British romantic comedy about a bookseller (Hugh Grant) who falls in love with a famous American actress (Julia Roberts). Funny and sweet. (On Netflix)

Hector and the Search for Happiness

A charming story about Hector, a psychiatrist who sets out on a journey to find out what really makes people happy. Lighthearted and fun, and will make you think!  Watch the trailer here. (On Netflix)

You’ve Got Mail

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan totally make this movie, which takes place back in the AOL days. We love Meg Ryan’s adorable pajama scenes, and of course, can’t beat the happy ending.

Something’s Gotta Give

Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Amanda Peet? Plus, scenes from a gorgeous East Hampton beach house and Paris. Need we say more? This love story will make you laugh, and you’ll love the sweet ending.

Legally Blonde

Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon, breaks up with her boyfriend and decides to follow him to law school and get him back. Yes, totally silly, but equally charming. (On Netflix)

The American President

If you’re a fan of the West Wing, you’ll appreciate this movie. Michael Douglas plays a widowed American president, who falls in love with an environmental lobbyist (Annette Benning) and has to navigate dating in the White House. An all-time favorite!

What are your favorite happy movies? Share with us in the comments below!

5 Treats for a Cozy Winter Weekend

winter weekend

Happy Friday, friends! Brrrrrr…it’s chilly out there! Don’t know about you, but the cold and windy weather certainly makes it harder to get outside. This weather makes us want to curl up and hibernate. Are you with us?

We’re guessing you are, so we’re sharing 5 of our favorite treats to enjoy on cozy winter weekends, for a little something extra special:

1. The Blizzard Cocktail

Yep, we’re starting off with the hard stuff. The Blizzard Cocktail is a combination of coffee, whiskey, and liqueurs (hello hazelnut and Irish cream) topped off with whipped cream. Does it get any better than that? Maybe this weekend it’s a Sunday Funday in PJs at your house? Click here for the recipe.

2. Gourmet Popcorn

Did you ever realize how many ways there are to make popcorn? Sweet, savory, candy coated or taco flavored, we have a round-up of 10 delicious gourmet popcorn recipes for you. Or, get creative and invent your own. But if you do, be sure to share the recipe with us!

3. Homemade Donuts

Why not make donuts at home and not even leave the house? The best part is you get to eat your donut straight out of the oven, still warm. Want some easy inspiration? Yummy!

4. Vanilla Chai Tea Latte

A nice piping hot cup of tea is so soothing when it’s cold and making it a vanilla chai is even better. Here’s a great recipe for a real chai latte with the spices and all. It’s a little extra effort to make from scratch, but so worth it.  Want more caffeine? Throw in a shot or two of espresso as they suggest for a “dirty chai”.

5. Hot Cocoa Cookies

Gotta have your chocolate fix? These chewy chocolate hot cocoa cookies (with a marshmallow inside!) will hit the spot for your weekend treat.

Add your flannels and fuzzy slippers, and you’re set for a cozy winter weekend!

Meet The New Pajama Company Intern: Claire Hillgren

By Claire Hillgren, Admin & Social Media Intern

Editor’s Note: Claire Hillgren is our newest Pajama Company intern. You will see her around this Blog plus Facebook, Twitter, Polyvore, Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest. As always, we asked Claire to introduce herself to you by answering some very important Pajama Company questions. 

Hi everyone! My name is Claire Hillgren and I am the newest Pajama Company intern! I am a senior at Miami University of Ohio, majoring in psychology and business. During this last semester of college, you can find me working throughout the Pajama Company site, blog and other social media outlets!
1. Describe your favorite pajamas.
My favorite pajama pants are these comfy jersey bottoms that are blue with snowflakes all over them. Even though they are meant for winter, I am guilty of wearing them all year round.
2. What would your perfect day look like?
My perfect day would be very relaxing and calm. It would be sunny and warm and I would probably spend it with my friends or family outside relaxing.
3. What was the last book you read?
The last book I read was Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. It’s very Gone Girl-esque and so eerie and intriguing that I read it in one day. The only regret that I have is that I read it too fast.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
My favorite TV shows is actually the Today Show. I love sitting in my bed, drinking coffee and watching Kathy-Lee and Hoda discuss what happened the day before. It’s a great way to procrastinate going to class and I get to stay in my bed AND my pajamas longer.
5. What song is currently stuck in your head?
Currently, I hate to admit it, but Justin Bieber’s song Sorry will not stop playing in my head. Sorry!
6. What YouTube video are you watching over and over?
I know this is an old video, but Jimmy Kimmel telling parents to tell their kids that they ate all of their candy still makes me laugh every time.
7. Winter or Summer?
This is tough! I hate the cold but I also love to ski, so I think I’m going to have to choose winter! Being in the mountains is my favorite, especially when they are all covered in snow. It also helps that hot chocolate happens to be my favorite drink.
8. Stripes or plaid?
Plaid anything, anytime.

Get Cozy: 4 Books to Stay in & Read


The colder winter temps have sure set in, and as they say, “baby it’s cold outside!” We recommend staying in and getting cozy this weekend. Throw something easy in the crockpot or order a pizza. Think hot chocolate, flannel PJs, and your most favorite warm blanket. Add a Netflix marathon or one of these great reads and you are set…

1. The Royal We by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan

This is a totally entertaining and sweet love story loosely based on Prince William and Princess Kate, written by two bloggers. Think an American Bridget Jones-type falls for the prince. A fun and addicting novel.

2. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

If you’ve never read this classic, it is a must. It’s easy to see why it’s been called “one of the most influential novels of the 20th century”. Get your coffee ready: it’s a haunting, suspenseful, gothic romance – and it’s a page turner. So good!

3. We Are Water by Wally Lamb

From USA Today: “It’s a sign of a good novel when the reader slowly savors the final chapters, both eager to discover the ending and dreading saying goodbye to the characters. We Are Water is a book worth diving into.” Based on Wally Lamb’s track record, this story about a Connecticut family’s secrets and how they play out in the present day is sure to be a pajamas-all-day kind of read.

4. Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart

From the Associated Press: “Well-written with sharply drawn characters and the occasional plot twist, Girl Waits With Gun is an absorbing throwback to a bygone era. It’s a solid book, and Stewart’s helpful notes allow readers to appreciate just how much of the tale is true.” On our list for sure! (And, you can snag it for $3.99 on a Kindle deal right now.)

Happy reading, friends!

All images via Amazon