Category Archives: Flannel Pajamas

How to Host a Winter Pajama Party

How to Host a ‘Winter Wonderland’ Pajama Party

After we unplug the Christmas tree and pack away our holiday decorations, many people feel a touch of ‘post-holiday blues’ because there is nothing left to celebrate and a long winter ahead. Don’t feel sad! There is a lot to celebrate after the holidays!

For one, we aren’t faced with the daunting task of entertaining in-laws and houseguests for another weekend packed with holiday traditions and formalities. Those of us who travel aren’t faced with another weekend in an airport, dragging luggage and children from coast to coast to visit family. The magical, sparkly, snowy winter weather is still going strong, which means we have a lot to celebrate — right at home.

Without all the holiday obligations, we can gleefully spend the rest of the winter season in hibernation. Why not celebrate what’s left of the season with a laidback ‘Winter Wonderland’ pajama party? Since the kids will be on winter break until after the New Year, you can keep the party to just your family or invite another family to join in. It’s also a great excuse to use those matching family pajamas one more time…

Winter Pajama Party Decor Ideas

Delaying taking down the Christmas decorations? Use your decorative string lights to create a wintery ambiance.

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Best Christmas Cookie Recipes of 2017

Must-Try Cookie Recipes for the Holiday Season

In December, the warm smell of freshly baked cookies — rich vanilla and butter — is as iconic as the smell of balsam. Baking and decorating cookies with loved ones is a long-standing holiday tradition in many households, as is indulging in pure buttery bliss in matching family pajamas on Christmas Eve. Fill your home with the scent of holiday joy this year with one of these popular cookie recipes from 2017.

Best Christmas Cookies to Enjoy in Pajamas

Enjoy Christmas cookies in matching family pajamas this holiday season.

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Quick Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

Quick Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

The pressure of finding the perfect gifts, being “Santa’s Little Helper,” attending a dozen social events, and entertaining family can add up quickly. It takes one Saturday afternoon at the mall in December to make anyone want to pull their hair out from holiday stress. But how do we manage? We can’t drop everything and camp out under the covers in our pajamas until January (though obviously we recommend this approach over any other).

Here are some quick, practical tips for lightening your load and getting ahead of holiday stress this winter.

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Christmas Movie Pajama Marathon

12 Days of Christmas Movies!

December has arrived and the last of the turkey leftovers have been cleared from the fridge. We can’t even think about eating another scoop of mashed potatoes, but a candy cane dunked in a cup of hot cocoa? Yes, please.

Festive wreaths and red velvet bows are being hung on front doors, strings of twinkle lights are strung through the trees, and giant inflatable Santas are hauled onto rooftops throughout the neighborhood. Enjoy the best of the holiday season before the inevitable post-Christmas burnout with 12 days of Christmas movies.

These movies are sure to get everyone in the Christmas spirit, both the little ones and the young-at-heart. Curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and take your matching family pajamas for a spin.

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2017 Holiday Gift Guide from the Pajama Company

Ultimate Holiday Gift-Giving Strategy: The ‘2-Stop Shop’

It feels like Labor Day was only yesterday and yet somehow we’ve managed to fast forward through Halloween, blast past Thanksgiving, and Christmas is just around the corner?! Begin the annual lies: “I’m going to get my Christmas shopping done early this year” and “I’ll have the gifts wrapped by the end of November…” Sound familiar?

These are the lies we tell ourselves until mid-December when we end up on an aimless 10-hour Saturday mall run, buying whatever wrapping paper is left at Rite Aid, and giving at least six people on our list Starbucks gift cards. Hey, we’ve all been there. That’s why we’ve decided to help you out with a new strategy: The ‘2-Stop Shop.’

One part Cyber Monday and one part last-minute drugstore run, this strategy is designed to personalize the bejeezus out of your Cyber Monday haul for easy, thoughtful, personalized gifts for everyone on your list.

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New Family Holiday Traditions, Matching Pajamas

New Ideas for Fun Family Traditions

As the days get shorter and the colors of fall give way to frost, our lives become wrapped in tradition. It begins with Halloween: trick-or-treating, neighborhood Halloween parties, themed family costumes, or just stealing all the peanut butter cups out of your kid’s candy stash… no matter how big or how small, the shift from fall to winter signals a shift into a season filled with traditions and memories that will last a lifetime.

There are popular traditions that you share with others, such as the turkey you might be cutting into in the coming days, and then there are ones that are unique to you and your family. Young families have the special and unique opportunity to start traditions with their families and choose what their children will remember from their childhood about this special season — and might pass on to their own.

Here are a few ideas for new traditions you might like to start with your family this holiday season.

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Funny Family Holiday Photo Ideas

12 Funny Family Holiday Photo Ideas

With the holiday season just around the corner, we know that many of you have family holiday portraits scheduled in the coming days. When you are planning your family portrait this holiday season, consider some outside-the-box options.

Each year we receive dozens in the mail that, frankly, all look the same — and into the trash they go!  Ditch the matching sweaters and have some fun this winter with pictures that are guaranteed to bring holiday joy.

Matching Family Flapjack Pajamas

Matching family pajamas from Lazy One.

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Pajama Halloween Costume Ideas

6 Pajama-Themed Halloween Costume Ideas

When it comes to Halloween, there are those people who meticulously plan their costume a year in advance — finding the perfect props and carefully sewing, stitching, or gluing their masterpiece together — and then there are the rest of us. Halloween is less than a week away and we’re willing to bet you don’t have a costume either.

Rather than be the party pooper who shows up to the Halloween bash as themselves, look no further than your pajama drawer. By utilizing your pajamas in these six simple costume ideas, you will be warm, comfortable, and at least a hundred dollars richer for not having ordered a last-minute costume online.

Unlike an inflatable T-Rex or a garden gnome, you can wear your pajamas again and again. Here are costume ideas for the rest of us.

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Fall Reading List, Best Autumn Novels to Read in Your Pajamas

Fall Reading List: Curl Up in your PJs with These Wistful Novels

The crisp fall weather inspires us to put on our warmest pajamas, curl up on the couch, and snuggle up with a soft blanket and a good book. Here we have listed our favorite fall reads across all genres. But what exactly constitutes a ‘fall read’?

When autumn sets in, the days get shorter and colder, making many people miss the carefree sun-filled days of summer. ‘Wistful’ is a word that is often used to describe books that give us a feeling of slight melancholy, usually brought on by nostalgia. Fall reminds us of childhood, school years, and signals that the holidays are just around the corner. Not all novels that remind us of fall take place in autumn. ‘Fall,’ in a feeling, is a mood that defines each of these moody classics.

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Fall Sleepover Ideas

How to Throw a ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Themed Slumber Party

Three words: pumpkin spice everything. After an absolutely gorgeous summer, fall has finally arrived on the East Coast and temperatures are slowly starting to drop. With school back in session it’s the perfect time for a cozy slumber party, whether you’re in middle school or you’re in college. What better way to celebrate the season than in your favorite pajamas surrounded by all things pumpkin spice?

Not only is pumpkin spice the caffeinated beverage of choice for many this time of year, it creeps into our soaps, candles, and pastries too. The scent makes you feel like you’re hovering over a warm apple pie. To capture this feeling of warmth and comfort we’ve assembled a list of our coziest slumber party must-haves for the perfect fall pajama gathering.

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